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Thread: How do i identify my engine?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Perth WA
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    its in the fire wall, and that compartment above the engine under the windscreen! also need to rip out the suspension sub frame and get them treated too, and the floor plans, the doors, the hatch, and some minor body stuff around the seams etc.
    so im looking in the local rag for a welder untill then i dont know

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    any progress on the golf dude?

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Engine codes...

    049 103 373

    VW FP 055 783

    in the posts that were lost someone mentioned EKTA??? what is that?

    Cheers guys Merry Xmas

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA. *YAWN*...
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    Yep that second pic is the engine code. So, FP it is! The top pic of the head is just the actual part number for the cylinder head (9 digits).

    ETKA = Electronik Tiele Katalog Auto (electronic parts catalogue). Its what the dealers use for their parts databases, pricing, availability etc. You can get pirate copies on ebay i think. A very handy thing as part numbers are key. There's a kind of free online version of it called VAGCAT too.

    I was sayin before how this car is actually pretty unique being a swallowtail shell, with the matching early bonnet, a 3-door AND a retractable roof!! If that roof is factory then thats a pretty rare car. Make sure you do all your homework before doing anything, google google google!!!
    Chemical dipping like Peter Jones did with his car is the best way to properly kill rust for good. See his thread 'another wreck, another race car'.

    It's a big ask for a novice to rebuild a mk1 but keep at it and if you're not sure, ask. And dont chuck ANY parts away until you know you can get new ones haha.

    Last edited by GOLFBALLS; 21-12-2010 at 12:13 PM.
    -1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
    -Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart

  5. #15
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    good advice, sadly i will need a new bonnet i think she to rusty to salvage unless there is a way i dont know about
    so FP means what im guessing as everyone says its a 1600 but what kind (is that a silly question)
    in regards to the sun roof ive had a descent look and as far as i can tell im sure its factory and seems to be integral to the roof and not just "bolted on" will know better once she is stripped

  6. #16
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    1588cc 75bhp 55kW 118Nm
    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    I've never ever seen or herad of a mk 1 with factory sliding roof,....

    i like volkswagens
    My blog:

  8. #18
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    Ive been quiet for a while, had **** to take care off, and unfortunately one of those things ive had to do was find a new house to live in. to cut a long story short i have no where to keep my car any more so it has to go to a new home!!! so if anyone wants her for free your welcome, otherwise its the car recyclers as i have no choice and it was a hard decision to make. anyway if someone is interested PM me, oh and if the mods think this should be in classifieds feel free to move it
    cheers for being a great community and i look forward to being a golf owner again some day soon!

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    I'll take her mate, she can come and live with my other golfs in the shed. Would seem to be a real waste to send her to the wreckers yard, let me know a time and place and i'll bring the car trailer around
    77 Golf tarmac rally
    89 porsche 911
    80 Rabbit 4dr
    11 mk1 and 2\'s in various states of undress

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    cheers mate! i'm glad she's going to a loving home, and not a scrap pile to be melted down and made into a ricer!!!
    anytime next week is fine i get home about 5ish i would say this weekend but between tip runs and such i cant guaranty when i will be home
    chris ya can get me on 0407 791 682

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