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Thread: got a mk1 now have carbie problems...

  1. #1
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    got a mk1 now have carbie problems...

    hi guys, finally i got my first golf, its a '77 GLS mk1 4 door, but it has issues which must be sorted.

    the carby- owner said it was rooted, he wasnt kidding, the mixture screw was stuck in the 'fully wound in' position. so i got a new carb body and put carbie kit through it and now can't get it to run! it still chokes and splutters and i think is getting to much fuel. it wont idle properly no mater what you do with the mixture screw, or idle speed screws, you have to rev it at 2000rpm to keep it going and even then its still running like crap. when you shut it down after reving it for a while you can see (and hear) fuel collecting at the base of the carby on the butterfly valve. also i took it for a 2 minute drive and found that fuel started leaking out of the nozzel circled in red. the old carby didnt have this, what should i do with it?

    also the high beams are stuck on, which is the light relay?? i'll be replacing the ignition switch as i found this is the root of all the other electrical propblems wipers/driving lights/heater fan/demister....

    any help greatly appreciated....


  2. #2
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    carbs, dont ya just love em...:duh:

    From the angle of the pic, that tube out the backside of the carb is the connection for the distributor vacuum advance,

    Sounds like you have a few parts missing from the internals if its still bleeding fuel after turning off. check the bypass shut of solenoid for operation ..

    As for the headlight dip problem, its more likely to be a knackered column switch...

    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  3. #3
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    First thing I always like to check - Vaccum leaks! Simple thing to forget about, but can solve a few issues!

    Also has the timing been checked? Doesn't sound like it's your issue, but worth double checking no less. (just dont stuff it up, then you'll have more problems! ha! )

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by roccodingo View Post
    From the angle of the pic, that tube out the backside of the carb is the connection for the distributor vacuum advance,

    Sounds like you have a few parts missing from the internals if its still bleeding fuel after turning off. check the bypass shut of solenoid for operation ..

    As for the headlight dip problem, its more likely to be a knackered column switch...


    the dizzy vacuume is already connected in a different place, the solenoid works when i hotwire it. what controls it normally?, i have the wire connected but dont know what triggers it. looking at the haynes manual the carby looks complete. thanks for you input.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by AUC-05L View Post
    looking at the haynes manual....
    Do yourself a favour and spend the money on a Bentley manual. Far better.

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  6. #6
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    ok what are the standards settings for this carb. ie, how far should the idle speed and mixture screws be wound in?


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by AUC-05L View Post
    the dizzy vacuume is already connected in a different place, the solenoid works when i hotwire it. what controls it normally?, i have the wire connected but dont know what triggers it. looking at the haynes manual the carby looks complete. thanks for you input.

    The "anti-deiseling" solenoid valve is wired in with your electric choke & reverse light switch.

    This mean's that when the ignition is on, the valve should be powered up!
    Also the carby should have an earth wire going from the base of the carby to the inlet manifold, as the carby is rubber mounted.
    If you have power at the valve, it's useless without an earth connection, & you won't have an earth through rubber!

    If the valve isn't connected, it will cause symptom's like you described.

    What this does is cause the idle circuit of the carby to be bypassed & make the engine try & idle through the main's, causing what sound's like a sucking noise with fuel being dropped into the top of the carby.

    Also double check you have no vacuum leak's anywhere!

    If it's a 77, it should most likely have two vacuum connection's on the dizzy. The Driver's side dizzy port should go to a connection on the brake booster vacuum pipe & the passenger side Dizzy port should go to a port on the back of the carby.

    If you've got problem's with your high beam's coming on, I'd start at the dip relay & work from there. Could also be a faulty dip/high beam switch (indicator stalk).

    One other thing often over looked on these old car's is to check if any water has gotten into the fuse box. Very common causiong all sort's all wierd & wacky problem's!

    Hope this help's.
    Last edited by Oneofthegreats; 29-09-2008 at 12:33 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfworx View Post
    The "anti-deiseling" solenoid valve is wired in with your electric choke & reverse light switch.

    This mean's that when the ignition is on, the valve should be powered up!
    Also the carby should have an earth wire going from the base of the carby to the inlet manifold, as the carby is rubber mounted.
    If you have power at the valve, it's useless without an earth connection, & you won't have an earth through rubber!

    If the valve isn't connected, it will cause symptom's like you described.

    What this does is cause the idle circuit of the carby to be bypassed & make the engine try & idle through the main's, causing what sound's like a sucking noise with fuel being dropped into the top of the carby.

    Also double check you have no vacuum leak's anywhere!

    If it's a 77, it should most likely have two vacuum connection's on the dizzy. The Driver's side dizzy port should go to a connection on the brake booster vacuum pipe & the passenger side Dizzy port should go to a port on the back of the carby.

    If you've got problem's with your high beam's coming on, I'd start at the dip relay & work from there. Could also be a faulty dip/high beam switch (indicator stalk).

    One other thing often over looked on these old car's is to check if any water has gotten into the fuse box. Very common causiong all sort's all wierd & wacky problem's!

    Hope this help's.

    awsome info, put an earth on the carby amd now it runs well enough to be driven to the carb bloke, he'll tune it properly. still sorting the highbeams, which is the dip relay on the fuse box? the fusebox is very tidy, no rust to be seen. thanks for the help.


  9. #9

    That's what were all here for. To learn, share, teach & help.

    I can't remember off the top of my head which one is the dip relay.

    Post up a pic of the complete fusebox & I'll have alook.

    I'm thinking it may be the one in a holder on top of the fusebox.

    Try getting someone to click the dip/highbeams on/off while you feel all the relay's. You'll be able to pick which one is clicking.

  10. #10
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    all fixed, well sort of!!!

    the carbie has been tuned, all electrics work as they should. there's still a front wheel bearing issue. and it turns out that the engine which the previous owner assured me was in excellent working order, turns out has bad valves on cyl 4! is this common? whats the best course of action here? should i get the head recoed? or live with it for now. the car runs great, just idles a bit rough......but once the revs pickup then its good.

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