hi guys, finally i got my first golf, its a '77 GLS mk1 4 door, but it has issues which must be sorted.

the carby- owner said it was rooted, he wasnt kidding, the mixture screw was stuck in the 'fully wound in' position. so i got a new carb body and put carbie kit through it and now can't get it to run! it still chokes and splutters and i think is getting to much fuel. it wont idle properly no mater what you do with the mixture screw, or idle speed screws, you have to rev it at 2000rpm to keep it going and even then its still running like crap. when you shut it down after reving it for a while you can see (and hear) fuel collecting at the base of the carby on the butterfly valve. also i took it for a 2 minute drive and found that fuel started leaking out of the nozzel circled in red. the old carby didnt have this, what should i do with it?

also the high beams are stuck on, which is the light relay?? i'll be replacing the ignition switch as i found this is the root of all the other electrical propblems wipers/driving lights/heater fan/demister....

any help greatly appreciated....
