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Thread: getting bumpers off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Allens Rivulet, Tasmania

    getting bumpers off?

    ok so i need to take both my bumpers off (chromes) but i seem to be having trouble, to any of you guys who have previously done this, what and how do i do it? what kind of tools should i use, and there are two bolts ive seen, one in the body of the car, and another inside the bumper itself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Inside the boot on the inside of both sides are two bolts 13mm or 17mm, unless you have a towbar, then could be any size. Take 4 bolts out and jerk backwards fimly, back bumper is off. The bolts on the bumper hold the bar to the bracket. Leave them alone.

    On the front 2 bolts each side 13mm, on inner guards behind radiator and grille. To get the battery side out you may need to take grille off, or battery out. The indicators need to be unplugged from the loom and poked throught the holes to allow them to come off with bumper. Reassemble in reverse order, but put the indicator leads through the holes before you start bolting up.

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  3. #3
    Anonymous Guest
    Cheers loon, worked a treat, got the bumpers off, although it took a while, and a lot of effort, battery clamp was rusted to hell so i had to tak the fan off the radiator to get the battery out, rears were no probs, but fronts were a little trickier

  4. #4
    imported_brackie Guest

    It's on?

    Looks like the bumpers are off and the swap's on! I'll leave mine on until I get to Orford as I won't have room for them inside.

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