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Thread: Gearbox mount munted

  1. #1

    Gearbox mount munted

    After a very successful rally last weekend (Hey I finished - way better than I had planned) I need a new rear gearbox mount.

    I started out with this:

    And ended up tearing the Prothane block almost in two.

    I have found a couple of options in the UK but thought I should check locally before chasing overseas.


    It's been a while...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yeah, they do that. I think mine might have gone in the last race too.

    There's a few options.

    • Stock Diesel ones are supposed to be pretty tough.
    • The Prothane ones.
    • Solid alloy ones, there was a guy in the US making them for a while.
    • THE JMR ones might be the go. Jason Moyle Racing
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  3. #3
    Thanks Peter,
    I don't really want to throw more money at another Prothane block, but I have left messages for Jason and HRP...
    If you have a lead for the solid mount I am interested


    It's been a while...

  4. #4
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    Well done Charles!!!

    You must have had a bucket load of fun!!!

    Any pics?
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  5. #5
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    I saw the alloy ones on e-bay ages ago. Mostly drag racers wanting to stop axle hop used them.

    Haven't seen any for ages but if you wanted to have one made it's the same design as the prothane block, just aluminum.

    Could just as easily be made form steel too I suppose. Maybe a bit of 3mm x 50mm x 75mm RHS with some captive bolts welded in?

    I'll see if I can dig up any other options.

    ---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

    Found a few pics

    and an ebay link!

    CNC Aluminum Rear Trans Mount VW Rabbit Scirocco Jetta | eBay
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by JP_Aircooled_TDi View Post
    Well done Charles!!!

    You must have had a bucket load of fun!!!

    Any pics?
    It was loads of fun, I drove like a Nana (no offence to our senior readers) but finished 17 out of 31 starters

    ---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------

    And maybe something with a bit of flex might be better for rally use...
    Last edited by Bluerex; 06-11-2011 at 09:54 PM.

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  7. #7
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    I think you're probably right.

    Rallying with the alloy one might tear the mount out of the body.

    Those JMR ones look pretty good.
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  8. #8
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    Yeah the JMR one looks the best of the lot. I'd even go a steel one of the alloy design before an alloy one if you had to.

    Furthermore, that JMR one would be easy to make - if you can use autocad, know a lasercutting place and have a mig welder. Not counting the insert it couldnt cost more than $100 in lasercut parts.

    Well done in your rallying!
    Last edited by gldgti; 11-11-2011 at 04:53 PM.
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  9. #9

    They are a very similar design, but I have ordered both front and rear mounts from Kim at Historic Racecar Preparation Ltd. In the UK.
    Here are some pics from the clubgti group buy thread...



    They are costing about $150 each delivered to my door

    Thanks heaps to Chris and Kim for their help in getting the order sorted


    Last edited by Bluerex; 11-11-2011 at 08:13 PM.

    It's been a while...


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