Just a heads up for you guys ordering parts from the US, the US Postal service is no longer offering surface mail to Australia So you will want to look at other options for shipping that are going to cost way more
Parts for sale http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...ff-102387.html
I just ordered a few hundred worth of parts with express airmail for only $80. Seemed to go quite smoothly..
Edit: didn't read well enough. Excuse. $80 doesn't seem to unreasonable over 'surface mail'.
Last edited by tom23; 15-10-2009 at 01:27 PM.
surface mail may be cheaper but more stressful i had a 3 month wait for a part i ordered i was so pissed!! compared to some parcels showing up in a matter of a few days for me the old saying goes " if you want to play you have to pay"