Just realised i need to give out the part numbers that i want.
part numbers on my fusebox are as follows
171 941 821A
171941 831A
Hi All
Does anyone have a fusebox lying around that they want to sell to me? My car's is totally stuffed and is really not reliable. So let me know if anyone has one that is in relatively good condition.
I just want my car to work!!!!!!
Also what are the options of an upgrade since Mk1 fuseboxes are notoriously bad?
Just realised i need to give out the part numbers that i want.
part numbers on my fusebox are as follows
171 941 821A
171941 831A
Anton, a plug n play fusebox you need the 'A' version, Doubt you will find a new one anywhere.
You can upgrade to the last version ( think it is a 'c', needs some pins to be re located to fit your dub ) or you can change it all over to the later blade style fusebox however this requires the terminal blocks to be changed. Make a time next week to come over and have a look at what i'm yapping about, I am away the following fortnight.
Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...
If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??
Check this out VW GOLF MK1 MK 1 ORIGINAL FUSE BOX (eBay item 220692137604 end time 11-Nov-10 15:40:43 AEDST) : Cars, Bikes, Boats
I also incorrectly bought one => http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/f13/...ard-28597.html, if you want to go through the conversion effort, make me an offer.
btw, how did you conclude you have fuse box problem ??
Parts for sale http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...ff-102387.html
i checked VW Australia and those parts are both NLA
sorry mate