1. tacho is not working. And brake, hand brake warning light is off (can't find the wire switch)
Tacho or odometer, or both? Handbrake switch is under the carpet at the front of the handbrake (on my car anyway)
2. has K-jet but the belt is off from the alternator I reckon
- previous owner told me there was a backfiring, misfiring before he took off the belt for fuel injector.
now it seems working real fine without the belt.. but couldn't it be better with k-jet working right?
and I can smell the fuel from inside of car.. it could be running rich or fuel leak?
is it related to k-jet? any ideas please..
Backfiring can be lots of things. My engine bay is basically the same as yours (same carb from what I can see, had the same emissions gear etc.) I've removed emissions gear and repaired lots of vacuum leaks by replacing gaskets and hoses. shouldn't be too hard to find...
3. transmission oil is leaking a little bit..
Wash it down to find out where from specifically, regardless it'll probably be the most difficult thing to fix in your list
4. there's a switch for the cooling fan on the dashboard (modified)
I have to switch on as the temp go higher than mid
Isn't this supposed to work automatically?
-fan is working fine as switched on and temp stays on mid but just annoying to do it manually.
Common half-ass repair, yes it's supposed to be automatic via a temp-sensing switch on the radiator (from memory)
5. he told me there was a fire on dash from bad wiring..
now dash is burnt and cluster looks really bad. maybe it caused the tacho and brake warning light i guess.
can I get it anywhere?
Ebay, wreckers, part outs on the forum, or Camden GTI
6. where can I get a locking fuel tank cap?
Ebay 'MK1 Autohaus', and probably a bunch of other places