I haven't had much time to do anything recently, but managed to fit in a few hours to correct the brake light set-up that was in Andy when I got him.
The set-up looked like this:
However, what is really funny, is that the wires were connected in such a way that this switch did nothing! The car was running off the original hydraulic brake light switches that are connected at the master cylinder. I guess someone put it tiogether, figured the brake lights still worked and left it at that?!?!?
Anyway, I plan on running a later master cylinder without the hydraulic switches and, since I went ahead and purchased a replacement brake light switch anyway, I thought I might as well correct the issue now.
I actually found a motorbike universal brake light switch that would work much better in the Mk1. Here's a pic:
You can buy them from ebay here. It is made by K&S and has a part number 12-0001
The Mk1 pedal cluster is set up perfectly for this switch. All you need to do is drill a 10/12mm hole (mine was already there for the previous switch), bend the activating wire so that it can loop through the existing hole in the pedal and Roberts your Mothers Brother.
Now on to the wiring.
Whoever set up the previous switch had connected one wire to ground and one wire to the red/yellow in the pic below. This doesn't work (at least on my car). For the switch to work it needs to switch between the red/yellow and pink/black wire. I believe the blue/brown wire is part of the low pressure warning system.
For the moment I have the hydraulic switch hooked up and the pedal switch running as a parallel 'back-up'.
And here's the 'engineering' of the old switch.....