Dude if throw thst away and go with some seat cordoba rear drums. Newer technology and bigger drms over all. Plus direct swap pretty much!
Hey guys anyone know where I can get a complete drum brake kit for my gld? Hell, even new stub axles too as the rear beam is getting completely refurbished.
Dude if throw thst away and go with some seat cordoba rear drums. Newer technology and bigger drms over all. Plus direct swap pretty much!
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Damn my spelling above is terrible lol. Seat Cordoba have the rear drums, and most mk3 golfs too. It's pretty straight forward. Look in the diy section, Peter jones was kind enough to do a write up on the swap dude, have a quick look
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr