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Thread: dirty gearbox oil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
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    dirty gearbox oil

    i had to drop one of the drive shafts of my son's just purchased red rust bucket from melbourne, and the gearbox oil was black and like sludge. i guess it has never been changed in it's life, even though it changes gears perfectly and is still quiet apart from whirring when in reverse.
    obviously it needs flushing and replacing, so what is the best procedure, do i drain it and fill it with something else to wash the insides(maybe like kero?) before filling with new oil?.
    also, what is the oil capacity for a 5sp?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Country Victoria
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    Hey Eric

    I'm surprised no one has replied as yet.

    It takes 2 Litres of SAE 80W hypoid oil GL4.

    In the small research I have done, it is said not to use GL5 or Redline MT90 & MTL oil as apparently it damages the brass fittings in the 'box.

    And may cause extra wear.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cab93 View Post
    Hey Eric

    I'm surprised no one has replied as yet.

    It takes 2 Litres of SAE 80W hypoid oil GL4.

    In the small research I have done, it is said not to use GL5 or Redline MT90 & MTL oil as apparently it damages the brass fittings in the 'box.

    And may cause extra wear.

    thanks michael for the oil info,
    i can't find anything on anyone using anything in particular to clean the old muck out, so will just do a couple of oil changes using the proper oil

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