Hi All,
Just found this forum and really like the wealth of info on here!
I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out. I've purchased a 93 Cabriolet that, whilst in pretty good condition, has been sitting a while.
She starts, idles and accelerates fine but when I apply the brakes to slow down the engine just cuts out.
Now, the weird thing is this problem does not happen when I'm reversing. In fact, I can lock up the wheels braking in reverse and the engine is all fine.
The brakes feel fine and I've checked the brake booster vacuum hoses so Im pretty sure its not a leak.
I've also cleaned out the throttle body and changed the old stale fuel in the tank with clean, new fuel.
I'm not sure its to do with a bad petrol feed either as the engine does sputter out likes its starved of fuel - it simply just cuts out. Electrical?
That being said, I can hear a whining sound that seems to be coming from the rear fuel pump. I am yet to remove it to have a look.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am desperate for any advice as this has got me stumped!
Many thanks in advance!
Block off your booster and brake,if it doesn't stall that will be your problem.
Der !!!!!!!!
Don't disconnect, just clamp them so no air gets through. If you disconnect them you'll have air being sucked into the engine which is going to upset your idle and running.
I have a similar problem with my 93 cabby, sometimes when I brake the idle dips low. Doesn't stall though
Not really sure what this means.
Golf Cabrio GTI
Read the earlier post??????????