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Thread: Dash warning lights Issue!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dash warning lights Issue!

    m9's i have an issue with my beauty Mk1. Every time I take a mad left hander the oil pressure, battery warning and brake warning lights illuminate and they don't usually go away until the car straightens out and the steering wheel centres. The issue seems to happen very periodically and i didn't think to much of it, but recently taking it for a nice drive through old pacific the lights came and wouldn't leave. After S%^ting it they went away when i slowed down and shifted into 2nd gear.
    Any bloody clue what the issue might be related too. I have had a look at all the wires and taken them off and cleaned the connectors. I'm lost. Maybe an earthing problem?

    Thank you guys.

  2. #2
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    Have you checked your oil level?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    Have you checked your oil level?
    Yeah the car has plenty of oil in it. I could top it up a bit but it's 3/4 of full on the stick. When I bought it, The guy serviced it with 5w-30 but I doubt the low viscosity would make any diffirence.

  4. #4
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    Gut feeling says it's something to do with the oil pressure electrics.

    When you say "mad left hander" I presume you're hitting the corner at way above signposted speeds? This would throw the oil in the sump away from the pump and trigger the low oil pressure warning lights. The warning lights should turn off when the oil pressure returns to normal after a second or two (depends if you hit the corners as hard as I do).

    I suggest you have a look at the oil pressure sensor, might need replacing or if your engine makes rattling noises while the warning lights are on it's time to replace the oil pump (and probably some bearings, rings, pistons, crank etc).



  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    This would throw the oil in the sump away from the pump and trigger the low oil pressure warning lights.
    Agreed that it would set of the oil light but why is the Battery and brake lights also coming on? Are they linked together to a common earthing point that perhaps has gotten loose? And nah the motor doesn't make sounds when the lights were on, it was shaking a bit when it was idling but then stopped (carby needs proper tuning/idles a bit sporadic at times) and the Lights were still stuck on (ALL OF THEM).
    Why would the battery light come on during/after a corner?

  6. #6
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    Earth (?)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Notso Swift View Post
    Earth (?)
    That's what I'm thinking. Do you know which earth wire connects to the dash lights. And is it behind the fuse box to the rocker cover?
    1978 MK1 1.6L 8v
    2007 MK5 3.2L 24v R32

  8. #8
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    low oil level
    esp when hot
    even in later cars its the case and the alarm comes on for a beep or 2
    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Once my filter arrives from Spares Box I'm doing a change to 20W-50. Ill get the oil levels 100% right and we'll see if anything changes. 3.5L with filter right?
    1978 MK1 1.6L 8v
    2007 MK5 3.2L 24v R32

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