Bad news i wont be picking up the car this weekend - i'll ahve to wait at least another week before its in my hands
on the plus side it means i can get some parts ready for when it does arrive
Bad news i wont be picking up the car this weekend - i'll ahve to wait at least another week before its in my hands
on the plus side it means i can get some parts ready for when it does arrive
3 pages and you don't even have a MK1 yet. That's a decent feat.
Well Looks like this saturday its ON!
Im picking it up from ACT fly up at 6am i should be home in time for dinner Also in time for DoVW so i'll see you all there.
I also have some parts in the mail so that will be good when they arrive too!
Good luck to ya!
well im taking the east coast route because tehres more major towns on teh way back to melb so with any luck i'll get to melbourne no hassles..
IF not watch this space saturday haha