Quote Originally Posted by Browneye View Post
It does sound like a grounding issue or flat battery, although, when every wire has been severed and lengthened and just messed with in general, it could be anything really. Multimeter will help greatly with all inevitable electrical issues you will face
So just a quick lil update, with a spare few minutes with a multimeter i figured out the battery could be a contributing factor, only putting out 0.2v haha on the other hand, also found there was a significant loss of power to or from the starter motor in the connection...i mustve earthed it incorrectly when putting everything back together?

Will have a solid look at it on my next day off but atleast we've somewhat narrowed it down might do a wire clean up etc sometime in the near future and tuck everything in neatly under the dash possibly even make up a nice underside to hide the wires...neat and tidy! OCD is kicking in