The soft spring is to preload the main spring so it doesn't rattle about when the shock is extended. Definitely needed when the ride height is set low, maybe not needed when the height is set normal/high.
the second softer spring is as good as useless. may as well not use them!
The soft spring is to preload the main spring so it doesn't rattle about when the shock is extended. Definitely needed when the ride height is set low, maybe not needed when the height is set normal/high.
^^ +1
Thr helper spring just helps keep the main spring seated. Removed the helpers from the coils on my s13 for the extra lows, just means i had to make sure the spring would seat nicely everytime i jacked it up. Cant see how the spring would unseat during any driving conditions.
The helper spring is designed to keep the larger spring "captive"