Ah, I didn't think of that way...
So what about coilover systems that originally don't use a helper spring? E.g. the Koni don't use a helper spring but I suppose that's made up for with a progressively-wound spring instead (
http://www.velocitymotorcars.com/ima...over_d-131.jpg). However there are other coilover systems that seem to use an "ordinary" (for want of a better word - non-progressive?) main spring with no helpers at all, like the Ksports -
http://media.photobucket.com/image/k.../k-sports1.jpg. How would they combat the problem? The way I see it, they'll work exactly like the Hottunings without a helper spring, except spring rate may be different.
Andrew: yeah the low thing is just all for looks. Yes it can be uncomfortable, and unsafe re: suspension travel, but on the road I just see it as a matter of the driver's restraint... it still drives and handles OK on the road, just don't be a maniac behind the wheel (pretty much the mentality behind driving a fast car). I'm pretty sure
I will get flamed for this but I have the same opinion as you but in regards to power - I don't see the use in having so much power in a road car, unless it's also being used for the track. My 2.0L 8V Mk3 is slow (can I get an award for Most Obvious Quote please?) but it's enough to do the daily commute while still have some fun on a spirited run... (or maybe this is just the jealousy talking
