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Thread: Clutch pedal noise

  1. #1
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    Clutch pedal noise

    Ok, here's one for the Mk 1 gurus out there.

    My clutch pedal makes a noise when I push it down - sort of a creaking sound. But sometimes it doesn't make the sound and the pedal seems slightly heavier (unless I'm imagining it). The gears shift as normal apart from the noise, and it even makes the sound with the engine off.

    At first I thought it was just the pedal mechanism itself (the hinges and what have you) so I applied some ever trusty WD-40. No joy.

    Now I'm thinking it might be to do with the cable itself. The cable is about 3 years old and done probably 25,000km.

    Your thoughts please.

    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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  2. #2
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    Could be the cable pulling through the bulkhead. Have a look from inside the engine bay and make sure the metal around the hole hasn't started to split.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Could be the cable pulling through the bulkhead. Have a look from inside the engine bay and make sure the metal around the hole hasn't started to split.

    Thanks Gavin. I'll check that. Any idea what to do if that is the problem?
    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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  4. #4
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    There was a reinforcing plate available, you can sometimes find them on wrecks or make your own. You can just make it out in this shot.

    Your clutch cable might also be fraying internally.

    I'd remove the cable and just try sliding the cable through the sheath to see if it's catching, you'll also have a clear view of the firewall to spot any cracks.

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  5. #5
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    Thanks Pete. A job for the weekend!

    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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  6. #6
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    I had one fray at the bend at the firewall and snap. (This was a diesel cable, they're basically the same but do a 90° bend at the firewall).

    GolfMan came to the rescue with a loaner cable to get us home.

    It had chewed right through the tube without me noticing.

    If you have to install a new cable try and trickle a bit of gearbox oil down the cable and into the sheath, it'll help it last longer.

    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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  7. #7
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    Ouch!! Don't want that happening in heavy traffic on the way to work. Makes me want to get it sorted as it's been making that sound for a few weeks now.

    Thanks for your advice Pete and Gavin.

    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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  8. #8
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    Well... I finally had a go at looking at this (after 3 weeks of not driving it, long story) and guess what? It wasn't making the noise at that moment! Even though it was 85% of the time before.

    But the outer cable seems to be a bit loose, esp where it goes through the eyelt thingy on the gear box. The cable has worn right through the metal, but should there be a rubber bit to stablise it?

    Anyway, the mystery creaking noise has gone (for now at least).
    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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  9. #9
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    good stuff that the noise is gone.

    The suggestion about the gear oil is good. Another option is motorcycle chain lube as it is a bit thicker and easy to apply with aerosol can.

    While you are at it check the pedal assembly as when it is stressed from worn cables and the like the welds holding the clutch can come under some stress. I had the clutch cable part of the pedal assembly drop off when driving many years ago. Lots of fun getting home!
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  10. #10
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    Thanks Paulie, I'll check the pedal too.

    But guess what? Soon as I got in the car to go to work this morning the noise came back! It sounds like something is stretching or catching or abrading when the pedal is fully depressed.

    I didn't take the cable out yesterday as the noise wasn't there (typical) but it might be on the cards for the weekend though.
    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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