to cure boredem i decieded to make a thread about my new golf.
i bought it last tuesday, on my 21st birthday and needless to say i was more excited about picking it up then my actual birth day.
its a 1981 ls 4dr, with a 1.1 lt conversion lol,
the story with it is, a guy restored it (new paint and motor) for his daughter who didnt want it. the girl i bought it off owned it for 3 months but then decieded to go back to veitnam to help orphans and thats where my story staarts off.
i also own a r31 skyline which once i sell will make way for some serious pimping of the old thing.
today i bought some freshly power coated steelies with whitewall inserts(photos when its light)
and in the near future i want to lower it on coilovers and colour code the lower door sills.
then later i want to buy venetians and other cool odds and ends to finish off the retro look.