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Thread: Brake vibration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Users Country Flag

    Brake vibration

    I’m getting a vibration through the steering wheel, but not the brake pedal, when the brakes are applied from over 80kph. I think this only started after hitting a pothole just outside Melbourne at speed, the whole car and my ears filled with a huge bang.
    My first thought was warped discs so I checked for lateral runout on both sides. The passenger side was 0.04mm and the driver’s side was 0.16mm, the only specs I could find quotes 0.08mm as the limit.
    I rotated the driver’s side disc by 90’ to see if it was the disc or the hub that was the cause; I got the same result in relation to the hub’s position, so the hub was at fault. The hub and bearing have now been changed but even with a new disc I get a result of 0.30mm, even worse than before grrrrrr.
    So my question is what is likely to be the cause? The hub carrier, driveshaft or something else?

    Any help is appreciated

    cheers Gav

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Braidwood, rural NSW
    Users Country Flag

    You won't get a shudder through the brake pedal because the pipe lines to the wheels are rubber which won't transmit vibration.

    Did you replace the hub and bearings with new ones? Try putting on the old disc and see what reading you get. Swap your front wheels to the rear just to eliminate them from the equation.

    Check your control arms are still straight after the big bang. Have you checked the steering shaft mounts? Tie rods? Rack mounts? Something moved after you hit the pothole and you just need to find out what.


    Last edited by sports racer; 05-06-2013 at 01:13 PM.


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