my old man cut a six cyl holden in half. It was in his rear engine dragster. Blown 471 6 with hilbourne mech injection on methanol. They had troubles with it lifting the pop off valve, so they locked it up.
One night it backfired at half strip (too lean) and 38 PSI took the path of least resistance and broke the piston, it threw a leg out and went right round broke the cam into 4 bits, cut the sump in 2 and came back in the other side. shortened a few other rods while it was at it too.
It's really amazing to see what can happen when something goes wrong. (You should see some of the 2 stroke kart racing engines i've seen let go)
Destruction at it's best. Alway's going to be big with a blower, injection & alcohol!
Love it.