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Thread: blown engine??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    can you get a telescopic magnet in through the sparkplug hole? Maybe you can move it around and pick up whatever it is.

  2. #12
    get the head off and have a look at the damage......but doesnt sound too good
    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Yeah , Bummer.

    Yank the head off and have a look, Grab the head off Josh's motor and slam it on with a new Head gasket or if the bottom end is stuffed transplant the whole motor.


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grunmk1 View Post
    can you get a telescopic magnet in through the sparkplug hole? Maybe you can move it around and pick up whatever it is.
    I tried, but the magnet arm wasn't long enoough, or the collar on it was too wide.

    I had a "good" look through the plug hole with an LED torch and I can see that there is a chunk that's been taken out of the top of the piston. and is floating in there with the other unknown thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by velly_16v_cab View Post
    get the head off and have a look at the damage......but doesnt sound too good
    I though about ripping the head off. but. I donno If i can be bothered. it's pretty much just going to tell me that that piston is stuffed. I do have spare heads which I could put on, but they aren't in the best of shape. I'm pretty sure the valves are probably damaged too. (All only cyl. 4, the rest seemed fine) Do i really need to confirm that that one piston is buggered?

    Honestly, it's still the original engine, and it's not in the best of nick. whereas Josh's old 1600, is a pretty good runner, and besides, me and Josh are getting better at dropping in engines! If I do that, I know I'll have a good donk, that should be fairly good nick, and is a strong runner. Mine was tappety, and at 300K+ I'd expect that.

    In the long run (ie, end of the year, where I have some dosh) I'll look at putting a new engine in. Unsure what exactly. Cause I have a 76, I've heard the laws are different regarding engine conversions, but I'm not exactly sure. Hopefully I can put a 2.0L in it no worries, (ie no engineered cert) and I might do something to that. I'll probably go Kjet, or EFI/aftermarket ECU if it's easy and cheap enough. I'm not sure yet. I have to research these things more!

    anyways. Looks like I'll be doing a swap soon! Why am I not upset or angry at all???

    Thanks for your help guys.
    Also interested to hear opinions on a later engine swap too

    i like volkswagens
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  5. #15
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    I wouldn't bother too much about the legalities of the motor swap, it's more a concern for the NSW crew as they get checked every year.

    The RTA still thinks my car has it's original diesel motor in it and that was swapped out 3 owners and 2 motors ago. So it's gotten through a couple of roadworthies and changes of ownership without anyone even caring.

    So long as you improve the brakes to suit I doubt you'll have any issues with a motor swap.

    MK 3 1800 8v motors seem to be worth about $450 and are great value for the budget shopper.


  6. #16
    sure sounds like the piston number 4 has shat its self.

    time to bin it a throw in another
    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    just buy my engine in the for sale section

    (end shameless plug)
    TDI mk1 on the road!!

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC
    JUst swap heads...

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    JUst swap heads...
    i dont think the head will be looking too sexy after having something bouncing around it the pot dude
    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    If you can get the foreign piece out of there you might be lucky and its still driveable. It would have dented the crap out of the piston and the head but hasn't necessarily damaged the valve seats and the valves are so hard, they are probably ok. My brother had a fiat that swallowed a nut from the carbie and it dinged everything up but it still lived to see many more days. It never damaged the valve seat so it was ok. You could be lucky.

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