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Thread: Blinkers problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kilsyth, VIC
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    Blinkers problems

    My blinkers don't seem to be blinking quite right anymore. Sometimes they blink, sometimes not, have always worked 100% up to now.

    My edumacated guess says it's the relay thats packing it in. Is there anything else I should be looking at before blindly replacing the relay?

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Padstow 2211 Sydney
    You can try to intercept me and I'll do a swap test, and probably have a multimeter in the car and can give you some guide as to where the problem is, call me on 04 000 111 02 to trace my movements... also Golf loon is very close to you at c'town...
    alternate energy vw enthusiast....and general crackpot

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Oakleigh VIC
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    Make sure the flasher can isn't full of water.

    I sounds odd but my relays fill up from time to time due to water running back down the loom from the engine bay.

    The Type 3s were prone to doing the same thing.

    I've got a collection of rusty flashers in a box in my garage!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    if its a bit intermittent (working / not) it might be that the current track that runs the blinkers is low on amperage.... usually due to burned out or dodgy connections in the fusebox... tends to happen all hte time in a mk1
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth. WA

    Quote Originally Posted by gldgti View Post
    if its a bit intermittent (working / not) it might be that the current track that runs the blinkers is low on amperage.... usually due to burned out or dodgy connections in the fusebox... tends to happen all hte time in a mk1
    here's a tip...
    crazy indicator flashing is usually from water ingress in the relay board, the harness sockets on the back of the board or the relay itself..

    what you need to do is find out where the water entry is, First place to check is the windscreen seal at the base of the A pillar. the frame rots under the seal, and when it rains it allows water a direct impediment free path to the relay plate with all the connections , fuses and do I know ??? My car had a plimsol line on the inside sills for water density yeah was usually drier outside than inside the thing.

    seal the hole, wash all the connections in electrosolve ( aerosol ) then spray with Silicon spray to repel moisture.

    If still a problem and the relay replacement and other stuff mentioned ( blown bulb ??) you may have overheated connecting pins in the electrical sockets on the back of the relay plate. clean, tweak them so they grip the pin tighter and try again.

    good luck, cause you will need it.

    you can see the hole here..
    Last edited by roccodingo; 06-04-2007 at 01:04 AM. Reason: image
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??



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