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Thread: Audi 80 cc - I know its not a MK1 but...

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    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds

    Audi 80 cc - I know its not a MK1 but...


    As per above I have an audi 80 '86 model K-jet.

    I couldn't get her to start and worked out that it was the fuel pump. So in the process of getting the fuel pump out which was well stuck I snapped a fuel line.

    After getting another one of these made up, I hooked it up with another fuel pump that was working and the new fuel line was leaking but fuel was being pumped by the new fuel pump.

    So I took the line back, got it remade and than slotted it back in, this time the fuel line didn't leak but than once again after checking a few things , this fuel pump has gone as well !! (I checked the fuel pumps by hooking them up directly to battery and just electronic Bzzt noise on connection but no whirring as per normal)

    A respected audi mechanic friend of mine tends to think there is a blockage in the pipe causing the fuel pump's to fry, I thought initially it was an overvoltage of some sort but I checked and it looked ok.

    So any idea's before I slot another fuel pump in ? My guess is that it's after the fuel accumalator and filter and in the K-jet system as the new pipe was leaking after the filter and near the K-jet braided line.
    Attachment 3409

    Is there anyway to be sure Maybe a stronger pump that won't blow or blowing compressed air through the lines ? or is the problem lying with an overvoltage or possibly even an undervoltage ?

    UPDATE 23/02/09

    Pulled fuel tank some rust so cleaning with industrial stuff !

    PICS added* and pics to come of tank and rust.

    Last edited by qsilverza; 23-02-2009 at 09:51 AM.
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