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Thread: advice/how to change 5 speed clutch

  1. #11

    Well, gearbox is out, after much fiddling, and having the box drop onto me just clipping my mouth..... found oil all through the bell housing, and just saw that tip about changing the brass bush and the oil seal, so we think we will do that, but the rear main seems good, so gona leave that for now (yeah, i know, should do it whilst we are there, but we have enough to do as it is).

    The old clutch still has life in it, but we gona put the new 1 in anyways, clean up all the oil change the sael and bush, and hopefully get it all back in by 2morrow night! (lol not gona happen, but i like to be optimistic about it!)


  2. #12
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    Leave that main seal well alone if it's dry now. No way to test you have done it right, without putting the box back, if it leaks then you'll be well annoyed about it. Having done it myself, I know I am right!!

  3. #13
    OK, so it's mostly back together, all except the drive shafts back on is done, so we started it up and gave it a go, and all seems good except that when in neutral with the clutch out, there is some drive to the wheels, but put the clutch in and no more.... problem is we don't know if it did it before.... any reason to be concerned? Friend of mine said that it might just be some tightness in the box that was there before, or something like that....


  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by marin View Post
    OK, so it's mostly back together, all except the drive shafts back on is done, so we started it up and gave it a go, and all seems good except that when in neutral with the clutch out, there is some drive to the wheels, but put the clutch in and no more.... problem is we don't know if it did it before.... any reason to be concerned? Friend of mine said that it might just be some tightness in the box that was there before, or something like that....

    That's normal, it's just drag in the oil. You will be able to hold it with your hand.


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