I would also be checking the Steering Rack Mounts as well which is attached to the Firewall with Two Brackets.
If they are worn they will allow side movement causing the Relay Lever to move as it is attached to the rack.
If they are real bad you can feel it i when you are driving the car as the same movement affects the Steering.
You can check the Steering Rack for movement by having somone move the Steering Wheel to & fro, whilst having a look at the Rack against the Firewall.
They cost around $30.00 & take about 30 minutes to replace.
A bigger problem with the Steering Rack is that the actual Support Brackets break away from the Firewall & allow the same movement.
This is a far bigger Item to repair & to do it correctly, the Firewall mounts need to be fully welded.
The last 91 Cabrio i worked on had the same problem & cost about $300.00 to have it fully welded.