Feck yeah !!
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
drove the old girl for a couple hours yesterday and can't be happier, although the guys at the servo will get to know me very well lol
thought i'd just add a few "you know you drive a MK1 when" comments from yesterday lol
- when you start it up and people ask what's in that cuz, having first not paid any attention to it
- when you go to an old enthusiast for wheel alignment and he says ah webbers, you don't hear that sound much anymore when his apprentice is bringing the car up the driveway and he can't even see it yet
- when your minding your own business and charades, lancers and civics coming speeding up behind your ass
- when you go to macdonald's because you are genuinely hungry and all the auto salon folks look at you like you got 3 heads
- when your driving and your dash lights go out and you manage to fix it numerous times with one hand while driving (need a new switch)
ahah anyway, took some photo's to prove it's actually rego'd lol
thanks for all the advice etc over the rego process, will obviously be posting up heaps of pics after nationals
btw could of been of my p' in january just hella lazy.
78 2-door 1.8 KR 16v - twin dellorto's
woot! good work.
Must be a damn good feeling, shattered I wont get a blat in it at nats!
Tell all those autosaloon shella's built not bought!
so had the car running around for a couple days now...
so far so good...obviously a few teething issues which i've been ironing out for the weekend.
took it to the wheel alignment place and the same night i notced a knock in the front end, did a nut and bolt check today and they had managed to strip one of the centric bolts in the strut..out of all the bolts in the front end, the only one that was loose was the one somelse touched lol standard isn't it?
also noticed the accelerator wasn't returning 100% even tho I put new springs on the carbs when doing the build, so checked that out and a nut and washed on the setup i'm using came loose so i adjusted it all back up and lock-tightened it..is even better than b4
noticed an oil leak, which is coming from behind the oil filter housing lol the only gasket in the whole engine we didn't change of course, so will try source that from toohley's tomorrow
and need to replace an o-ring on the bias valves to stop a bit of brake fluid leaking, shouldn't be a big deal
other than that, car goes hard, stops great and corners rediculous..got about 1.7 degree neg and forgot how much toe in but it seems to be working
78 2-door 1.8 KR 16v - twin dellorto's