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Thread: The 2cent Cabby

  1. #111
    Join Date
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    Couldnt help myself!

  2. #112
    Join Date
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    Finally the last major parts have arrived! Bring on the rebuild!!!

    Cant wait till my car is wearing the contense of my kitchen cupboard!
    Last edited by EwenHayton; 08-10-2012 at 07:27 PM.

  3. #113
    Join Date
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    So then busy day today,

    Managed to hone the piston sleeves fit new Piston rings and big end bearings, Fit them back in the engine block.
    Got the old water pump off and the middle big pulley (thats the professional term) to swap the seal as there was alot of dried old oil below it.

    Fitter sump back on and would have fitted the water pump but there was 2 of the long bolts missing so need to find out what size they are (if anybody knows and can help?) and then I can fit A/C back all new belts and be ready for the top half! Once it gets back from the shop.

    could take pics during day as it was pissing it down for most of it and by time it stopped it was dark! but will take some tomorrow!

    Getting there slowly hopefully be end of the month and i will hear her speak again!!!!

  4. #114
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    so another busy day but on my own today, managed to get Water pump back on after a trip to bunnings to get some new bolts for the ones that were missing, Then fitted A/C back and sump! Cleaned as much of the engine as i could while all the parts were off and then took front engine mount off so i can get the new one pressed in!

    Old and New mount the old one had hose rammed in it

    Shiny block and pistons ready for some head

    just a pic of the work space wheels are off as i need to replace left hand side inner CV boot as i buggered the first attempt i did! "really looking forward to taking that side apart AGAIN!!!!!!!"

    New water pump
    Last edited by EwenHayton; 15-10-2012 at 08:17 AM.

  5. #115
    Join Date
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    So I had an early day from work today so I took the CV and drive shaft off to change the inner boot. Only to find out i have bought a 94mm not a 100mm replacement part

    So if anybody has one in Australia (Perth) for sale i would be very keen to take it off your hands? Also might as well ask while im on the comp b4 i open the old Bentley can anyone tell me what tool i need to take the bolt/nut/thing that the cir-clip sits behind? picture below "I just read my Bentley manual please forget that last bit about the tool turns out im the tool!!!! lol

    the part i want to buy 100mm if any one has one

    And just a pic of what i did today

    Also have a US style Chrome front bumper for sale i know i should put it in the for sale section but thought i would post here first have the indicators and brackets and both end caps but its missing one of the plastic covers off the front i havent really got an idea of what its worth but i found the rear US spec for sale on eBay for $250 so im asking $150 postage ontop if needed to be shipped! also a 94mm inner CV boot for sale $20

    Last edited by EwenHayton; 17-10-2012 at 09:36 PM.

  6. #116
    Join Date
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    Miss placed a camber washer off my suspension dont surpose anyone has one laying about? Or knows of anywhere that sells them?

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth. WA
    Prob got a 100 Inner CV boot here mate, and the camber washer.
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  8. #118
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    cheers for that Grant PM sent!

    So was Bored today and had some paint left so couldn't help myself tinker with a few bits.

    Then had a massive feed on the bbq and had to share it with you! I sent invites in the mail but they must have got lost lol

  9. #119
    Join Date
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    Ballajura, W.A
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    Was meant tobe putting head back on this weekend but has been put back a week! so decided to check the valve adjustment disc messurments so i can fugure out the size needed for the new cam if any at all!
    For anyone who dosent know hes what i did "im sure theres other ways but might help someone"

    As the camflowers were out already numbered in seperate bags so they go back on the correct valve. With a pair of vise grips (not the correct tool but worked) pulled the shim out to see the number underneth pic below

    Finding the size of the disc already in will let me know the thickness needed and how much its out if at all!
    Also as the shim kits are pretty expensive and hard to find i found 2 site where you can buy them seperatly or in kits lonked below.

    TOOL Page (¯`·.¸(¯`·.¸ ZDMAK SPECIAL TOOL STORE ¸.·´¯)¸.·´¯)
    Valve Clearance Discs

    Mine where 31mm in diamiter but not sure if this veries!
    Hope that helps someone anyway.

    Heres the Valve clearence spesifications table to

    Also sprayed my sills with stone protection today!
    Befor and after

    Last edited by EwenHayton; 27-10-2012 at 08:41 PM.

  10. #120
    Join Date
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    Boronia VIC
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    There's a place local to me that does the shims too.


    Handy if you need some thick ones for reground cams.
    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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