Hang onto this one
Hang onto this one
1976 Project Carbon Mk1 - Sold! | 2015 Lotus Exige Cup | F80 M3 Family Wheels
Back on the streets of Canberra
2010 Tiguan 125TSI
2004 Polo Match
1976 White MkI Golf
Love the shots at Mt. Pleasant, good spot as not a lot of cars go up there
85' MKII GOLF GTI - GTI 85T - First cruise was 4000km in 2.5 days. It's Evolving!
06' MkV JETTA TDI - Stock To Shock
Yeah, it's a great spot. I think it'll be my new favourite place for quick snaps. It closes at 7pm, so once we go off daylight savings sunsets should be quite good too.
I was there for about 40mins I guess, and only two other cars came up. One was AFP security, the other was a dude in an old Valiant going for a Sunday drive.
Love the wheel!
2010 Tiguan 125TSI
2004 Polo Match
1976 White MkI Golf
Did all GTI's have the black instrument cluster panel? The wheel matches nicely with the brushed-alloy looking ones.
I swapped out my Wolfsburg wheel today because it clashes with the rest of my interior haha.
According to this pic, taken from a 1980 Golf brochure, yes...
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