The rubber " flex " piece itself is notorious for creating air leaks. check that out.
Hey all.
Just a few Questions.
Where is the most common spot for a air leak to happen?
I have had the carby off the manifold, and have put it back on. there was a hard gasket between the carby and the rubber flex bit. and no gasket between the the rubber bit and manifold... is there a correct way to install this? i have read through the manual i have for it, and cant seem to find what im looking for.
Problem is the idle is shocking, to the point it stalls. i have tried adjusting the idle screw, i can have it all way in or all way out to with little change to the idle speed. also the first say idle to 2500rpm is boggy.
Sorry for being a n00b about this, i really dont know where to start. its my first golf, my last 3-4 cars have been late 70's corolla's... so its a little different
<space for rent>
The rubber " flex " piece itself is notorious for creating air leaks. check that out.
Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...
If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??
also check out the gasket between the head and the manifold, and the hose that goes from the manifold to the brake booster.
If you have the carb back on, start the car up and spray a bit of Aerostart or Start ya Bastard round where the carb bolts to the manifold (and all other points on the manifold that the leak could be). The motor will rev up a bit when the aerostart enters through the leak. Thus you can locate where your air leak is.
Sometimes this method doesnt work as the air gap is too small, but if you car is stalling this will prob work a treat.
Hope you get it sorted soon.
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And while you're down there,check the vac. pipe that goes from the manifold to the vacuum control valve and
All the vacuum tubes that control distributor vacuum advance,cold idle valve,thermo-pneumatic valve etc.
Make sure these tubes and pipes are not hard or brittle and look for splits.
Check EGR valve (if fitted) is not loose.
The gasket (on mine at least)is fitted between the rubber adaptor and the manifold.They refer to the gasket in the Haynes manual but it is not depicted in drawings or photos.
Best of luck![]()
"That's what she said"
Ahhhk thanks people.
Will check it out later, just finished putting a Davies Craig thermatic switch in.
Will go back out once weather is fine again
how do i go about fixing the leak between the rubber flex bit? ive noticed on a spare manifold i got that when you tighten the 2 bolts under the manifold the rubber bit flex's slightly enough to lift the center up enough to fit nearly every size feeler gauge i got in it.
<space for rent>
Make sure you have the earth wire connected to the carb...Cheers