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Thread: Wheels fitment 2013 GTI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Ipswich, QLD
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    Wheels fitment 2013 GTI

    Hi guys,

    I know this question has probably been answered somewhere before so for that i apologize. I am new to the whole modifying thing and dont want to waste valuable coin on some "guaranteed fit" from some dodgy bastard. I was looking at getting new wheels for the gti and i am wondering what is the range of offset and width i can go for a "plug and play" type setup? I am looking for something along the lines of ROTA Grid 17's but from what i can tell they wont fit so im looking for a new option.

    Any help is much appreciated thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Its easy to say plug and play, which would be something similar to stock spec in the range of 17x7-7.5 inch ET40-46.

    BUT... are you lowered?...and do you want wider/larger/lighter/stronger....or even full custom built wheels.
    - If wider (8-9inch) and/or larger (18inch) then this means more cash
    - If lighter and/or stronger (low pressure casting or forged) then this means more cash.
    - If custom, be it 1,2 or 3 piece wheels you get what you want in terms of precise fitment, offset, centre disk, dish plus all of the above.

    You need to set a budget and then decide if you want new or secondhand rims. Your budget will also dictate the brand/quality of new wheels but there are also bargains galore in the secondhand market.

    Sounds easy right? No its not. Take your time and don't rush into it...and do lots of googleing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast, Queensland
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    He's talking about Rotas.
    So I'm assuming a with tyre budget of $1500.

    First thing first - Please choose a better wheel than Rota. I'm not going to get into fake wheel arguments though.
    I'd recommend 17" wheels personally, as I feel 18's become a little too large for the frame of the car. A comfortable size if 8+30 for both 17's and 18's. If your car is slammed you can go wider..

    Do set a budget, because of our annoying stud pattern (5x100) it's always good to have a look on Subaru forums etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by James Dean View Post
    If your car is slammed you can go wider.
    This comment does not really make sense and somehow I don't think that is his short term plan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    this thread contains various wheel/tyre combos on polos (both lowered and stock height) have a look through and check out the wheels and fitments... should help you get an idea of what will work.

    Shorty exhaust, black tails, Kw V1
    Ronal, Oz, Hoshino Racing

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ipswich, QLD
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    Thanks heaps for the replies. I should have mentioned a budget of 1500-2000 for rims only. Ok James thanks for the steer clear on ROTA's. I like the look of some XXR wheels are they worth the coin or just nicely presented?? I want/have to keep the car stock ride height due to the entrances to work and home (unless i carry ramps, roof racks maybe?? ) and the fact QLD roads suck sooooooo much. DeathLad ive been looking/drooling at that thread for some time but just seen so many offset options and most are with after market suspension set ups i just wanted to get things clarified.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast, Queensland
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    I agree that Queensland roads aren't the best, but don't let that stop you. I still 'comfortably' drive at the lowest a polo can go.
    If you're sticking to a stock hight I'd suggest sticking to 17"/18" x 8 +30-35.

    If you're looking at that Rota, XXR, sort of stuff you may like Enkei RS05RR's or RPF1's

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