Hey Mr Comet...
perhaps auto unlock on key removal all doors... ? Since I have enabled the anti hijacking code, would be nice to have the doors unlocked when you remove the keys..
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Great link. Didn't realise I already had staging activated lol.
Hey Mr Comet...
perhaps auto unlock on key removal all doors... ? Since I have enabled the anti hijacking code, would be nice to have the doors unlocked when you remove the keys..
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MY15 RED Polo GTI 6C - with DA Pack
+1 to that one, I noticed that flaw today with the anti-hijack enabled, the boot and I presume the 3 other doors remain locked when you exit/take keys out. You need to press open on the key.
I had a go today at coding for ASR off as the default. The Mk 7 Golf info. is different for Polo and I could not find an alternative.
2015 Polo GTI with DA pack : Milltek Turbo back exhaust | DD spacer | JB1 | VWR Turbo Intake elbow and intake hose | BMC panel filter | KW Street Comfort coilovers | Whiteline adjust. endlinks | Harding DSG Perf. tune | Wagner Intercooler| Dotz Mugello 17 x 8 32ET
Further to disabling ASR or ESC.
Under ‘Brakes’ there is a tick box option for disabling ASR but when trying to save with the green button a message pops up that this feature is not available, no doubt blocked by the developers of OBDeleven for safety reasons![]()
Last edited by car_nut; 22-12-2016 at 04:22 PM.
2015 Polo GTI with DA pack : Milltek Turbo back exhaust | DD spacer | JB1 | VWR Turbo Intake elbow and intake hose | BMC panel filter | KW Street Comfort coilovers | Whiteline adjust. endlinks | Harding DSG Perf. tune | Wagner Intercooler| Dotz Mugello 17 x 8 32ET
Thanks green_comet for all the videos I bought OBDEleven and have done a few things that you posted. Keep the good stuff coming![]()
Ok, I worked this one out. This problem happens when just enabling autolock menu option in access control (shown in my video), there are two others that need to be activated along with the menu option.
Under Central Electrics-Adaptation-Access Control, activate these three options.
(3)-automatisches Verriegeln bei Geschwindigkeit
(4)-automatisches Entriegeln
(18-Menuesteuerung ZV Autolock-Unlock
I did this and now the doors unlock when removing the keys.
I'll make an updated video when I get some time.
Last edited by green_comet; 23-12-2016 at 03:07 PM.
MY18 Passat 206tsi R-Line | Harvard Blue | Wagon
Good man!!
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MY15 RED Polo GTI 6C - with DA Pack
Updated how to video
MY18 Passat 206tsi R-Line | Harvard Blue | Wagon
Well done again green_comet. I've done a lot of googling on disabling anti-skid and it seems an impossibility with access to 'Byte 29' not available on OBDeleven for Polo.
I have emailed the developers my wishlist for an app for this one but be surprised if I get anything back, seems not much app development is being done, particularly for Polo.
Last edited by car_nut; 23-12-2016 at 05:53 PM.
2015 Polo GTI with DA pack : Milltek Turbo back exhaust | DD spacer | JB1 | VWR Turbo Intake elbow and intake hose | BMC panel filter | KW Street Comfort coilovers | Whiteline adjust. endlinks | Harding DSG Perf. tune | Wagner Intercooler| Dotz Mugello 17 x 8 32ET
Ok... here is a challenge... there is a tweak for the mk7 golf in the above google forum re having the fog lights come on with high beam. And another one to enable the rear parkers with the DRLs. And have always wanted a heavier feel steering feel.
P.s i am surprised the developers of OBDEleven aren't doing videos like Mr Comet... it will help the sale of their product
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MY15 RED Polo GTI 6C - with DA Pack