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Thread: VW polo 2015 workshop error message

  1. #1
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    VW polo 2015 workshop error message

    VW polo 2015 workshop error message

    Hi all
    I'm looking for a bit of advice. I have just purchased a 2015 volkswagen polo GTI automatic . I've had it for a week and twice its come up with a message as quick as a flash that says workshop error leave in p position... the people I got it from has given me a 3 month warranty but this seems to be an intermittent error that doesn't happen all the time... my question is.. is this an easy fix..? Should the people who I purchased from fix this under the warranty as it was obviously an existing issue... am I safe to drive the vehicle.. and how do I prove this being the error message is so quick and I am driving when this happens?

    Any advise is much appreciated.. other than that the car is an absolute gem.

    If it comes to the point that I have to fix this issue myself.. is there a part number etc and can I do it myself?

    I really love this car.. reason I bought it.

  2. #2
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    You should take it back, it needs to be scanned to see what the problem is. That message alone doesnt point to a single item that needs replacing.

  3. #3
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    Understand but after a google of the error message it seems to be a common issue.

  4. #4
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    That is actually a very common problem on DSG cars. Lots of youtube videos and forum posts from around the world on it.

    I fixed it on a 2019 Polo over this past weekend, although it took 2 weekends in reality, 1st to scan, research (not owing a DSG car if I can help it, I myself did not know about this till 2 weeks ago) and order the part and 2nd to actually implement the fix.

    A scan with the exact error code will help confirm this, but essentially, it is very likely that the gear selector position sensor has failed. VW has TPIs and fixes for it. Part costs about $230 (from VAGParts) and labour is easy but finickey since you need to pull most of the central console apart to get to the position to fix.

    VW polo 2015 workshop error message-85tsi-gp-jpg
    I actually did more pulling apart than necessary, and could have done this quicker, but at least I learnt a lot doing it. And only had 1 "spare?" screw at the end

    Note there are 2 versions of the part, so once you have confirmed error, get VW Spare parts to confirm the part number you need.

    Also, since you likely bought from a non-VW dealer, it is unlikely they will have any clue to fix it.

    And finally, after the fix, you will need to clear the error codes using VCDS or OBD11.
    Last edited by Sharkie; 22-04-2024 at 09:09 AM.
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  5. #5
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    Thank you for your message.

    Even though I have purchased through a non-vw dealer because of thr warranty this should be fixed by them so I will ask them to do research and get it fixed and also show them your information.

    Can you please confirm it is safe to drive until I get them to book me in?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlou1991 View Post
    Thank you for your message.

    Even though I have purchased through a non-vw dealer because of thr warranty this should be fixed by them so I will ask them to do research and get it fixed and also show them your information.

    Can you please confirm it is safe to drive until I get them to book me in?
    This Polo was being driven daily for almost 2 months with the error appearing once every 3 drives or so. The issue is sensing the gear lever in Park, so once you drive for a bit, the error should disappear (at least till the next time you either put it into or out of Park).

    I'd get it fixed ASAP, but should be OK. Bear in mind I'm not a mechanic, just an enthusiast who fixes things myself if I can, so no guarantees ...
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  7. #7
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    Yes I have noticed it only happens every few drives and it goes away so quickly and only when the car changes gear so I'm not too concerned but since it's under warranty with the company I believe they should be fixing this for me as it had a pink slip but I understand this may not have been picked up in a regular inspection.. other than that the car is perfect

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