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Thread: VCDS Coding; New features?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    VCDS Coding; New features?

    Hey guys,

    Just came back after spending some quality time with mythik

    Learnt heaps from him.

    Ultimately, I've splashed out on a genuine Ross-Tech HEX+CAN cable.

    I've had several things that had checkboxes activated, but am now looking at getting more features known/uncovered.

    Time after time we see guys (such as myself LOL) who want LED's in/outside of vehicle but have a range of issues.

    mythik took the time to explain that as my car has a relatively new firmware, there are lots of unknowns at this stage. This means you have to play with each digit to find what they do.

    So, the main ones I'm interested in is disabling cold diagnostic for the exterior/interior lamps.

    Below: please list a function (that you think would be possible) that you would like Ross-Tech to look into.

    Now I know they probably won't be immediate in their response, that is why I am happy to tinker around with mine first.

    Also, mods please feel free to close if inappropriate or move if in wrong section. Just thought it would be best to develop the 6R

    Finally, once I have more experience, I am happy to help others out too. A nice slab (great idea mythik!) would be my reward


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nice initiative

    What I would like to see/know if possible: (for xenon equipped cars) cornering lights in both headlight and foglight active at the same time

    Looks to me there has to be a switch somewere.. hoe else would the car 'know' what lights to use

  3. #3
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    Que? I've got a MY12.5 and the coverage is fine in VCDS. Was he using a genuine cable with 11.11 or 12.10 Beta or the shonky version with the old version 10?

    Anywho, lots of VCDS stuff in my sig.
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

    MY12 Skoda Octavia RS 147 Black Combi - Sold

  4. #4
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    Hrm, yeah latest firmware (I believe 11.11), and genuine Ross-Tech.

    Once I receive mine I'll screenshot what I'm referring to. Lots of unknowns that had no checkboxes.

    We couldn't find anything to do with "lamp diagnostics" (we recorded the error, trying to locate source) but to no avail. There are already some checkboxes that weren't ticked for certain circuit checking but still tripped the bulb out.

    My main focus will be lights, just like this gent: - Polo 6R coding changes (mainly lighting). Will be trying lots

    Annoyed that coding for teardrop wiping doesn't work on my 12.5 and obviously annoyed no PogGTI takes staging...

    Cheers PoloDave, I'll look into this too once it arrives

  5. #5
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    Wow that's funny! You can do the coming home light feature but my 2011 Polo cannot...but I can do the tear drop feature. Interesting...

    Don't know why they would bother changing the modules like this

    If you want we can swap. I'll happily have the coming home feature over the teardrop XD

  6. #6
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    Coming Home/Auto Lights is available to any (real )Xenon Polo, but its interesting you can use tear drop wiping. It not totally sure if rain closing functions on mine, I can tick it on the light sensor but not on the BCM.

    The varying levels of BCM is part of the cost saving in cars I suppose, I know the Xenon Polos have a BCM from the Transporter.
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

    MY12 Skoda Octavia RS 147 Black Combi - Sold

  7. #7
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    Yeah I thought as much about the coming home feature and that it only works with the xenon lights (becuase it has a different module)

    On mine I have the tear drop feature, auto wipe on reverse (which was already set from the dealer) and auto speed adjusting (similar to the rain sensor which I don't have, but it steps the speed up / down according to speed)

    I wouldn't mind changing the steering feel, brake feel and the strength of the hill assist but I can't seem to find anything under the long coding helper...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by readerr0r View Post
    Que? I've got a MY12.5 and the coverage is fine in VCDS. Was he using a genuine cable with 11.11 or 12.10 Beta or the shonky version with the old version 10?

    Anywho, lots of VCDS stuff in my sig.
    There are options for Cold Lamp Diagnostics that are set in the BCM/Central Electrics Module, however, are missing or incorrectly labelled in the coding options in the long coding helper.

    This is what fastlane was trying to say. This is due to version differences between modules / firmwares. The best way to assist in fleshing these out is to autoscan the car and send it to Ross-Tech for analysis.

    Case in point, all cold lamp diagnostic options as described by the long coding helper in fastlanes car are turned off. However, he still receives a cold lamp diagnostic warning about his reverse light.

    When browsing each of those Cold Lamp Diagnostic sections, not all bits are defined.

    I'm using a genuine Ross-Tech Cable running 11.11.5

  9. #9
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    I have found that the descriptions is VCDS don't always match up with the specified option.

    For example:

    "Central locking re-locking after 30 seconds ACTIVE" is NOT ticked by default yet the car does this function. If you tick the box the car will NOT use function...

    So really it should say: "central locking re-locking after 30 seconds DISABLED" and then you tick the box to disable it.

    I know this is the same with the flashing hazards lights on hard braking. "Hazard/turning light flash in emergency braking ACTIVE" and again is un-ticked by default and does this function.

    I think the options for light diagnostics might work the same way...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Im guessing there is no option to completely remove traction control/stability control?

    Im finding it quite annoying coming into round abouts then trying to punch out the other side and having what feels like a massive dead spot. No doubt its tcs still trying to control things even when the button has been turned off.

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