$3000 for a Milltek full exhaust is about right. You may be able to source one cheaper from the UK via ebay, but keep in mind that you will have to pay a few hundred dollars in import GST when it arrives in Australia. Jetex is another brand that make exhausts for the Polo GTI.
As for brake pads, i would recommend Remsa. Brakes Direct in QLD sell them, and ive had them on 2 of my cars and they are excellent. Far less dust than the stock pads, and brakes wont send you though the windscreen when you barely touch the pedal.
You can get the exhaust installed either before or after the tune is done. If you install it before, you may get a CEL (check engine light) on your dash, as the car will think the catalytic convertor is faulty (as the new exhaust is more free flowing). The CEL can easily be cleared with VCDS or the APR dealer can do it.
If you get the exhaust installed after the tune is done, that's ok also, but i would just advise that you don't flog the heck out of the engine while the stock exhaust is still in place.