Quote Originally Posted by Gladiator View Post
Wonder how much the Satellite Navigation RNS510 costs and if the price varies dealer to dealer.

I also wonder if it's really worth getting an inbuilt Sat Nav (dealer fit) over a standalone GPS unit (aftermarket) when the the inbuilt Sat Nav costs so much more. Thoughts?
Hey Gladiator, the obvious choice is to go with a good stand alone GPS unit such as a Garmin (who have been around for years and have great accurate maps), BTW I am not involved with Garmin at all, just through experience using various stand alone GPS's. The stand alone is much more versatile, you can move it from car to car and take it with you to, say, Europe and use in a lease or hire car. Hey, use that $3000 odd dollars for the inbuilt RNS510 and take an overseas trip....much wiser move