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Thread: Strange noise and frayed fan belt (1.2 tsi)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bridgeman Downs ,Brisbane
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    Strange noise and frayed fan belt (1.2 tsi)

    hi guys, so this noise has developed recently. its like a clicking noise that increases in speed as the revs climb. i got around to sussing it out and i think its coming from the fan belt that appears to be frayed.
    heres a video and pic. what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Alternator belt catching on something by looks and sound of it. Get it look at soon.
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  3. #3
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    Get it booked in ASAP! Just drive up to the dealer and get them to look at it on the spot.

    If that belt breaks you are screwed, there is only one belt on these motors and it powers the water pump, alternator and air-con compressor. The last 2 you can do without for about 100km BUT the lack of a water pump will cripple the car and you will be stranded.

    Avoid putting stress on the belt, that means no air con and try to minimise revving and high loads. You have to remeber a fan belt is like a pair of jeans. Over all the belt weave is very strong but just like jeans, if you put a small cut in it and pull it thread by thread you can make it fall apart quickly.

    It will allready be getting damaged pretty quickly just by spinning around the motor in its frayed state.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bridgeman Downs ,Brisbane
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    thanks guys.
    yeh thats the plan. hopefully they can change it there and then. if not im gonna have to use my dads corrolla for a while

  5. #5
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    I wonder if you somehow hit something while driving (some object lying on the road or something flicked up from a car in front of you) that made its way in to the engine bay and hit the belt? Strange to see such a new belt falling to pieces like that.

    As mentioned above, i would get that replaced ASAP and also check that no foreign body is still wedged in the engine bay there somewhere to ruin the new belt.

    From watching the video, you can hear the noise each time the belt rotates in the same location.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 02-12-2013 at 11:31 AM.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Bridgeman Downs ,Brisbane
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    Yeh I've taken it in the Vw, and showed them. Definatly needs a new alternator belt obviously but as Lucus_r said they were puzzled as to why the belt would be so badly damaged. It's gonna stay at the dealership over night to wait for parts from NSW. They said they will check the alignment and any signs of contact with the belt.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by VWplo View Post
    ...they were puzzled as to why the belt would be so badly damaged
    Since you mentioned they were puzzled, I thought I'd share that I had an ongoing and very similar issue with a Falcon many years ago. After many years of ongoing issues and a few different mechanics, one of them worked out it was a slightly mis-aligned pulley.

    The Falcon used to throw fan belts (they would fray and hit the bonnet loudly) on a frequent and inconvenient basis to the point where I would keep spares in the car in case NRMA didn't have one.
    They were only $20 and could be fitted by Roadside Assist - so if your dealer can get you them cheap enough, it might be worth picking up a spare or three just in case. Might save future towing and overnight (or longer) Hotel-VW stays.
    Mk8 Golf GTI

  8. #8
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    Thanks ill see how I go. Really hope it doesn't come to that

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by VWplo View Post
    Thanks ill see how I go. Really hope it doesn't come to that
    Hey just wondering, how long ago did you get a service done?

    As part of every service they are required to check the engine belts. Independents should be checking but I know VW "must" (whether they actually are is another story)

    Chances are if it was checked as ok a couple of thousand KM's ago it would be more likely that a foreign object has destroyed the belt rather than a miss alignment of the alternator / tensioner / idler etc.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    Hey just wondering, how long ago did you get a service done?

    As part of every service they are required to check the engine belts. Independents should be checking but I know VW "must" (whether they actually are is another story)

    Chances are if it was checked as ok a couple of thousand KM's ago it would be more likely that a foreign object has destroyed the belt rather than a miss alignment of the alternator / tensioner / idler etc.
    Last service was late August. So it's only been 2 months

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