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Thread: Speedo reading accuracy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Cronulla, NSW
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    Speedo reading accuracy

    Hi all

    I'm sure this has been discussed but I couldn't find it in a forum search so here goes... Sorry if this is a duplication.

    Does anyone have any solid idea on how accurate the speedo in the Polo is? Travelling back from Adelaide to Sydney I was using my GPS a fair bit and there was a fair discrepancy between what was on my speedo and what my GPS was tracking me at. In a good way though, as the speedo readout was a fair bit lower than the GPS.

    Generally, the Polo's speedo seemed roughly about 8-10% slower than the GPS said. For instance, I did a lot of cruising at 100-110km/h. Where the Polo's speedo said I was doing 118km/h, the GPS was tracking me at dead on 110km/h.

    Similarly, at lower speeds, when I was doing 65km/h on the speedo, GPS said it was more like 60km/h

    Anyone got any thoughts on this? I don't know which is more accurate, the speedo or the GPS?

    Current Ride: Golf GTI Mk7 MY2014|DSG|Carbon Steel
    Previous Ride: Polo GTI MY2012|DSG|RNS510|Shadow Blue|Lenso GF7 18” rims
    Instagram: @lemonskin

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Speedo reading accuracy

    All speedos are designed to read over by up to 10%

    Has its advantages
    8VSS2L/16 E9E9 XG MP SPP1 4ZD 6XK CSC5P with an extra free 10kW

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Generally most cars speedos are set from factory 6-8% faster than 100kmh or the legal limit... and these cars are no different.
    Last edited by ATYPIC; 09-01-2013 at 12:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Cronulla, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    All speedos are designed to read over by up to 10%

    Has its advantages
    Kind of, but I've just adjusted and now I drive up to 10% faster

    Current Ride: Golf GTI Mk7 MY2014|DSG|Carbon Steel
    Previous Ride: Polo GTI MY2012|DSG|RNS510|Shadow Blue|Lenso GF7 18” rims
    Instagram: @lemonskin

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Speedo reads 117, GPS reads 110 on the dot, so about the same as you mate.
    Mk8 Golf GTI

  6. #6
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    If you have the time you could read the guff on ADR 18/03 Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 18/03 - Instrumentation) 2006.
    Section 5 - Specifications. Subsection 5.2 ....
    Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 18/03 - Instrumentation) 2006
    I'm sure that will make it all clear as crystal.
    ( Ex-Shire myself).
    2012 MK6 GTD CW DSG Seattle's 3M Black Tint, Michelin PS3's.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Basically the rule is that speedos can be up to 10% fast plus or minus 4kph

    They cannot legally read under

    Our Polo is 7 k over at 100kph Checked with GPS and VCDS plugged in . Couldnt correct it due to limited control

    The Passat is 6 k over at 100k checked with GPS and with the Canbus reading Havent tried to correct it yet

    Cant fix either with tyres as would need to be to big to be legal 40mm for the Polo and 25mm legal oversize
    Last edited by Guest001; 09-01-2013 at 01:22 PM. Reason: had incorrect fact
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    What i personally find disconcerting now is that there's a couple of speed cameras where the Hume freeway north of Melbourne goes from 100 to 110 kph limit, I have my GPS reading 109, car speedo reading 117 & the camera still fires as i drive through!
    Apprehensively checking the mailbox each arvo... I think there was an issue with these cameras a year or so back, & they turned them off for a while, but they're back on now & have a photo of me...
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    GPS 100 v Speedo 103 for me (aftermarket wheels)
    MY18 Golf 7.5R - Ecotune Stage 1
    Mazda RX2 - 13B Bridgeport GTX4202R

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MGV View Post
    What i personally find disconcerting now is that there's a couple of speed cameras where the Hume freeway north of Melbourne goes from 100 to 110 kph limit, I have my GPS reading 109, car speedo reading 117 & the camera still fires as i drive through!
    Apprehensively checking the mailbox each arvo... I think there was an issue with these cameras a year or so back, & they turned them off for a while, but they're back on now & have a photo of me...
    The Hume cameras go off regardless, I wouldn't lose sleep.

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