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Thread: RNS510 in a 77tsi questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mernda, Vic

    RNS510 in a 77tsi questions.

    Hey Guys i havent had a VW for 17 months sinse i sold my last GTI. Well today i ordered a 77tsi for a run around.

    Ive been reading for a while to find out if i can fit a RNS510 to it.. Ive found a few guides saying it works on a GTI so i assume itll work on a 77TSI.. But what happens with the Bluetooth module fitted to the dash ?? does it work or do have to remove it and change to a different module??

    Glad to be back in a VW =)


  2. #2
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    The RNS510 is just a radio (with Nav), the bluetooth is a completely separate module (even in cars without the ****y little screen) as is the MDI interface.

    With the 77TSI what you gain is the ability to *remove* the bluetooth dock since with the RNS you get a new interface to control the bluetooth The best idea I've seen is to replace the bluetooth dock thingy with an iPhone/other phone dock.

    If you keep the bluetooth cradle screen thing you don't even need any coding, it will just be a plug & play swap over. If you want to replace the cradle with a phone dock you need a little VCDS coding to stop it spitting an error about the cradle not being in place, but it's simple enough. There's plenty of people around Melbourne with a cable that can help you out.

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  3. #3
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    Thanks so much for answering my question.. Im replacing it for the Nav which i use all day for work.

    So i can leave that stupid bluetooth thing and just get the 510.. or pull it out and replace both.. If i replace both do the steering wheel controls work?

    is there a guide any where on how to remove the bluetooth thingy?

    Now to find if i can remap the 77tsi.. Cheers, Mark

  4. #4
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    The steering wheel controls are not tied to the bluetooth screen, they will continue to work if you remove it.

    The problem with removing the dock completely is the whopping great big hole in the dash you will be left with.

    Given the laws against touching your phone in the car in most states you may as well use the mounting and get an appropriate adaptor for your phone. From memory I think it's call a "Bury Active Cradle" or something along those lines. In any case, as I said earlier, there is an iPhone cradle but there is also generic ones that will fit any phone. Have a search around the forums as plenty of people have swapped them out.

    for your phone you might as well get a phone

    The problem with removing it compeltely

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  5. #5
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    hey lush4,

    I've got a 77tsi and have upgraded to the rns-510 as well as replaced the touch screen with an iPhone cradle. Cant fully remove the blue-tooth thingy as doing so will leave a hole in your dash (as The_Hawk mentioned), best option is to get a Bury phone cradle.

    As far as i know, no extra coding is needed as the MFD in the 77tsi doesnt show the "touchscreen Removed" error (will probalby still show when scaned with VCDS for error codes) and all steering wheel controls still work.

    You may need to take of the trim at the end of the dash (drivers side) in order to find somewhere for the GPS antenna to sit (magnetic).

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the info.. Did you use the 9w7 Bluetooth kit? That's seems like the way to go.. Now to order one and hope it shows up


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lush4 View Post
    Thanks so much for answering my question.. Im replacing it for the Nav which i use all day for work.
    I've never used an RNS510 but if it's anything like the factory fit navs I've used in other brands and you use it daily then you are better off with a Garmin (or whatever) - esp if you buy when there is free lifetime map updates & free lifetime SUNA traffic alerts.
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  8. #8
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    I cant stand having a satnav hanging on the window.. I prefer it all intergrated.

    Anyone has any idea where to get a rns-510 or 9w7? Seems like most the guys ppl have purchased from on ebay are no longer trading under the same name.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lush4 View Post
    Thanks for the info.. Did you use the 9w7 Bluetooth kit? That's seems like the way to go.. Now to order one and hope it shows up

    Unless I'm missing something, you should be able to use the existing 9w7 mounted beneath the driver's seat.
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  10. #10
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    Maybe im missing something.. I want to be able to stream bluetooth music..

    The car comes with the bluetooth thing mounted to the dash which the dealer told me cant stream music. Is this a 9w7?
    I planned to remove the bluetooth thing and put a dock there and fit a rns and a 9w7..

    Ive been reading for hours and thought i understood.


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