Replacement Passenger Air Con Vent 2014 Polo GTI
Hi Guys,
Hoping you can help. A passenger when adjusting their air con vent in my car broke the vent when I hit a pot hole in the road. The vent has pushed in, and the outside trim is also detached.
I'm basically trying to work out if I can fix it myself. Anyone know if this is possible, and if so where I can get the parts from? Otherwise, any idea if it can be fixed by Volkswagen themself, and if so any estimates on cost?
I've done a google search but can't seem to find either the parts or who could fix it. Any ideas???
Look for polos being wrecked on ebay. Buying a new one would cost a bomb. The replacement part might give you an idea about how to replace it. I assume you will need to go in via the glove box. I haven't tried the polo but my other cars have always been easy to get it out to replace stereos and heater fan resistors.
I know you've probably done this already, perhaps try pulling the trim off and reattaching the trim to the ducting.
Passengers have pushed mine in many times both on my 77TSI and GTI...
not broken just poorly attached 
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the replies; both of you.
Amazeer, I've put out some feelers to two wrecking yards. Hopefully they will get back to me.
Random X, I'll give that a try tomorrow. Hopefully you are right and it is that simple, though I don't like my luck.
Worst comes to worst I'll have to pay Volkswagen my first born child to have it fixed...
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I had the same problem I think.
The inner piping separated from the fascia trim but the trim not from the dash.
After much searching and playing around I was able to get a hook in there and pulled them back together.
Or are your slats actually broken?
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Hi Dening,
Slats are fine. Just that the unit itself is pushed into the dash console. Unfortunately, due to work I haven't had a good chance to look at it yet. Fingers crossed it isn't as bad as I think it is.
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Hi guys,
Dening, your a life (and $$$ saver). I was able to remove the unit, re attach the trim and pop it back in. Nothing is broken so very happy. Thanks for the replies!
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