Recall Depreciation - Sell ?
Hey all,
I'm pretty keen to be selling my Polo these coming months, I haven't entirely been turned off VW but this recall really makes me think that a lot of people may not want to buy a car that unfortunately for us has many issues. I have no idea what my asking price would be but having said that I want to sell the car with warranty so the next buyer can rest assure they wont be buying a total lemon.
I'm looking to buy a Golf but still a little hesitant. Whats peoples thoughts on this... would you buy a car that had a national recall?
Is selling a good idea and is going back to VW even a thought anyone would consider?
My trouble is I don't know any car that fits the standards of the Polo...without spending thousands more.
GOLF GTI MY11 ADIDAS Candy White, Sunroof
GOLF GTI 40th ED, White with Sunroof