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I complain about cyclists because they pay no rego but get my car lanes taken out for bike lanes at my expense
Your expense? I assume you mean your rates and taxes, right? Because the cost of rego barely covers the cost of running the rego system and there is bugger all left to spend on roads.
Your car lanes? Newsflash: Bikes are legally allowed on the road including riding two-abreast. Having said that a reasonable person would move over to let a car past...a little courtesy goes a long way. It is for this reason that I give a wave of appreaciation when a driver gives way at an intersection even when I may be the one with right-of-way.
As a cyclist who does about 15,000km a year (compared to < 3000km in the Polo) I would happily pay rego as it would put the whole "cyclists don't pay rego" nonsense to bed once and for all. Additionally it would cost about $5 a year based on weight at which point it it would be a loss-making exercise. Alas under the current system, the RMS won't take my money.
Re fixing potholes, well we all know that the councils would rather install speedhumps and/or roundabouts than actually fix the road.
And as for cyclists running red lights, they are complete knobs and will sooner or later end up in hospital or a hole in the ground. Cycling represents a cross-section of society so naturally you'll get a number of people who flout the law...same goes for drivers who run red lights and drive under the influence etc.
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