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Thread: Possible VCDS compatibility issues with 6R?

  1. #1
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    Possible VCDS compatibility issues with 6R?

    I've just become the proud owner of a Polo 6R-my14 (tag on the passenger side pillar says "model R1, version 3F7"). When I hooked up my VCDS cable to the car (genuine Ross-Tech Hex+CAN, USB) using the latest SW, I got some real strange readings. The Auto scan works fine, but a lot of the status readings on the 09-Cent. Elect. module appear to be incorrect (i.e. many of the bit-checkboxes that should be ticked are not and visa versa). A fellow colleague on VWW has indicted that he also gets odd VCDS readings on his 6R (albeit he says that his problems are intermittent).

    This was not a known problem when I raised the matter on the Ross-Tech forum but Uwe Ross indicated that perhaps VW had made changes to the BCM in their later versions of the 6R. He undertook to investigate further.

    Before RT delves deeper into this matter and to help establish whether this is an isolated problem (or a more systemic issue), I thought that it might be advantageous to find-out if others are having similar issues with their cables.

    From what Mr. Ross is saying, I guess it's primarily a question of what version 6R you have and whether the readings from the VCDS cable look OK (perhaps a good starting point is the 09-Cent Elect.module).

    The BCM readings from my car are on post #74 on the following link (see last column in the table, look particularly at bytes 16, 19, 23):
    VCDS For 6R Polo (primarily GTI)

    I'd welcome responses-thanks in advance.
    Last edited by DV52; 17-06-2014 at 08:25 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Just checked my Polo GTI, all the 09-Cent. Elect. settings are the same as yours.


    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mardi View Post
    Just checked my Polo GTI, all the 09-Cent. Elect. settings are the same as yours.


    Hope this helps.

    Mardi: Thanks for the feedback - another piece in the jigsaw puzzle!
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  4. #4
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    Update from Ross-Tech.
    Apparently, the incompatibility issue between Ross-Tech's VCDS software and the later versions of the Polo 6R is a known problem. The fix is scheduled for implementation at a future date (Uwe Ross couldn't say when this might be).
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  5. #5
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    But it does it on mine and its a 2011 car - so it's hardly new. It's not much of a problem though it only really has to do with what text is been displayed. It doesn't affect the coding itself.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    But it does it on mine and its a 2011 car - so it's hardly new. It's not much of a problem though it only really has to do with what text is been displayed. It doesn't affect the coding itself.
    nomadx38: OK. I'd only heard of the problem in relation to my14 model Polos. Didn't know that it was a more endemic problem.

    I'm not sure that I agree that the problem is insubstantial. On my car, the issue is more than just wrongly reporting the status of the bits. I tried disabling the DRLs on my car (byte 23, bit 6). Regardless of whether I ticked the box, or not - nothing happened (although the coding change was accepted by the software and the value of the byte altered accordingly). Sounds like you don't have these issues on the 2011 version
    Last edited by DV52; 18-06-2014 at 03:16 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.


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