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Thread: Polo TDI DSG Problems, (DSG and possibly Turbocharger)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry Polo TDI DSG Problems, (DSG and possibly Turbocharger)

    Hi all,

    I am fairly new to this forum and just wanted to post my terrible experience with my VW Polo 66TDI DSG7 Comfortline w/ sport pack. The first issue occurred at only ~700km on the clock and was where if I was in manual mode and went to accelerate, there would be absolutely NO power and would require changing gear to Park gear and restarting the engine (note also that the gear number displayed on the instrument panel was flashing). The first time this happened was when I was turning across oncoming traffic. ALMOST had to buy new pants :/ but no crash thankfully. So I took my car back to Austral VW and all that happened was the software was reset to factory default. Although I was furious about this, it seemed to fix it (at least I thought so at the time). Now its done ~1550km and I had to take my car in AGAIN yesterday as along with the previous fault occurring many times again, it fails in "D" and "S" mode as well, along with D1 sticking and only changing to D2 once it hits red line at ~5000rpm and many other issues like no power after changing gears from 2 to 3 after turning the corner (note the gear number flashed on this occassion too). And also many other small issues occurred such as a rattle - metallic sound in 5th and 6th gear in "D", "S" and manual between 1100rpm and 2100rpm. Anyway the car is still in repair and will be getting it back hopefully on friday (27th of Jan). The head engineer has gone out on a drive with me and has noted down everything that has happened and thankfully the car failed on those drives too along with jerkiness in "D". The head engineer at Austral VW also was explaining to me that it is most likely needing a new DSG box and possibly a new turbo as he said the power delivery is not smooth. He also said that this problem has become a lot more common since the last time I brought my car in for repair and he said the problems are now becoming common in Golf's as well. He explained though that the dealer and VW Australia are ignoring and declining his requests for a proper repair on my car and said how he is sorry he can't do much although apparantly he said he will send a data log down to Sydney to a DSG specialist team and they will then send their opinions with the log to VW HQ in Germany and will await a response from there.

    Anyway, I was also wondering whether any other members have had similar problems with their DSG7 VW's.
    TRADED THE BEE'12 Sport Yellow/Black Citroen DS3 DSport THP155 6-spd manual w/ tech pack.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Rockhampton Qld AU
    No problems here. 200km a day, heaps of power, maybe I've got some of yours. Getting used to the gearbox. I'm used to the way it rolls back then moves forward after the hill holder has done its bit. I keep forgetting to flick it back in manual after stopping and it takes off in a hurry. Averagiing about 4.5l/100km which should improve.
    '11 Polo TDi auto, White, Sunroof
    '91 Transporter syncro camper

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Blue Mountains
    We experienced a similar problem to the point the gear box crunched when starting. Indicator on dash said it wasn't in park or neutral even though it was.
    Dealer in Nowra found a connector had come adrift so the clutches were not listening to the computer... re secured the connector and no problems since....
    2020 Tiguan 162TSI R-Line

  4. #4
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    Well its good and bad I suppose to hear that your DSG7's are going good :/ Anyway Austral VW say my car will be ready on friday morning. So hopefully (fingers crossed) that it will be at least temporally fixed so I can get to work. I just really want to enjoy the car without worrying about it breaking down all the time. I will update this again once I get my car again on Friday.
    TRADED THE BEE'12 Sport Yellow/Black Citroen DS3 DSport THP155 6-spd manual w/ tech pack.
    SOLD '18 BMW 125i M-Sport | Sunset Orange | Sunroof | ZF 8-spd auto
    '23 MINI Countryman SE ALL4 PHEV | MINI Yours | BRG

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    One of my customers had the same problem - after about 5 hours driving
    10 days later & a new gear box and all is well now

    The DSG is a brilliant gear box, but highly technical and I guess you can be unlucky at times & getting a dud, but lets face it - all manufacturers have issues like that & as long it is dealt with professionally & speedy, that is the price you pay for modern technology...IMO
    Christian Sieg

  6. #6
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    Ok well I got my car back and all that was done was a software update . The engineer went on another drive with me for ensuring that it was fixed and explained that he has to abide by what VW Customer Care has set out for him to do. He recommended calling them and speaking to higher up people to get anywhere. The car itself is exactly the same as before if not worse (especially in "D" - extremely jerky and hunting for gears anytime any acceleration is given). Also the stalling and gear 'hanging' keeps occurring. So I'll give customer "care" a call and see where I get, if I don't get anywhere I will probably sell it and get a different car.

    ---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 PM ----------

    So, VW have disagreed to replace transmission and I refuse to drive it as it has failed in near-death scenario's (e.g. gear number flashes with no power whilst trying to merge on motorway). So I will be getting rid of it buying the rival car which I was tossing up with against the Polo. If anyone is interested in what it is, it's the Citroen DS3.
    TRADED THE BEE'12 Sport Yellow/Black Citroen DS3 DSport THP155 6-spd manual w/ tech pack.
    SOLD '18 BMW 125i M-Sport | Sunset Orange | Sunroof | ZF 8-spd auto
    '23 MINI Countryman SE ALL4 PHEV | MINI Yours | BRG

  7. #7
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    Sorry to hear about your experience with such a deplorable system.

    Goodluck in selling your car/trading it in.

  8. #8
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    Yep...our 77TSI/DSG has had the hiccups in 1st/2nd gear.

    Been analyzed by the dealer and it's a new DSG box. Bad news is that we have been told it could take up to 3 months for it to arrive from Germany. Also getting a new ignition/key barrel, as the key keeps "jamming" and not permitting a full rotation to occur during starting sequence. the hell do you get a DSG changed out inside 10 days? Can you ring Wangara and give 'em the hint, please?
    MY16 Touareg 4.2Lt V8 TDI/Pure White LED lightbox/REDARC Brake Controller/ Racechip/iDrive Throttle controller

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hail22 View Post
    Sorry to hear about your experience with such a deplorable system.

    Goodluck in selling your car/trading it in.
    Yeh thanks man. Here's hoping the DS3 will be A LOT more reliable.
    TRADED THE BEE'12 Sport Yellow/Black Citroen DS3 DSport THP155 6-spd manual w/ tech pack.
    SOLD '18 BMW 125i M-Sport | Sunset Orange | Sunroof | ZF 8-spd auto
    '23 MINI Countryman SE ALL4 PHEV | MINI Yours | BRG

  10. #10
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    Seems like the whole "Monday Build" problem.

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