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Thread: Polo GTI Insurance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Polo GTI Insurance

    Hi all,

    I just got a call from the VW Dealership to say my new silk blue Polo GTI with DAP & Lux packs will be arriving in a couple of weeks time. Needless to say I'm very exited!

    I was curious to know what insurance company other GTI owners have chosen to go with. I know it will vary depending on the drivers age, demographic etc, but the cheapest I've found is RACV for $938 (comprehensive). To put things into perspective I'm a 24 year old male with no previous accidents/claims.

    Who's everyone else chosen to go with?


  2. #2

    Polo GTI Insurance


    Used them for other cars and always good value, sure you don't get some of the little things but it covers you for the main things. Last car I had was reversed into, they claim process is all online, smooth process, easy to submit documentation and within 2 days I had a call from them with everything arranged at a VW dealer, all genuine parts, I didn't pay a cent and no damage to my rating.

    Do recommend...and very cheap.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by rose_e86; 08-11-2015 at 01:27 PM.

  3. #3
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    Polo GTI Insurance

    $420 full comprehensive via NRMA. No crashes, 39yo male, Newcastle NSW. Insured for agreed value of $32500, 65% NCB for life, rental car option, windscreen option plus 'any driver' (not that 6yo will be driving!), any accessories $500 excess-never claimed in 22yrs of driving.

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  4. #4
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    NRMA is hard to beat on a new car, insure for market value and they still get you a new one within the first 2 years...
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonW View Post
    NRMA is hard to beat on a new car, insure for market value and they still get you a new one within the first 2 years...
    But they charge so much!

    I'm with Coles. Have shopped around and nobody can come near them.

    I haven't had to make a claaim - that's the test
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
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  6. #6
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    I recently did the same, I am with Allianz but paying $1300 for the lot, I'm also 29.
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  7. #7
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    Brad a previous poster mentioned $420... thats not a lot for a new car. Depends on your age and risk etc, but I found NRMA good value when the car was new, not so now... im with Ami, see 2 paras below.

    Coles has a bunch of bad press online, and personally I would never go with them again as I insured with them a few years back on another car. I paid by card rightaway and got a receipt, job done. Could see the payment on my card bill when it came thru so I forgot about it, mentally filed as 'sorted'. A month later I'm driving and get a text telling me that theyve nulled my insurance as ive not paid. WTF?! I ring them and they mandate ive not paid being really off with me like im some sort of criminal. So, I email screen dumps and get them to check their systems. They reluctantly do it and within a day agree I have paid and I am actually insured and theyre all friendly again... hmm... I ask why they didnt bother to contact me and query the issue earlier, rather than just blanket telling me im not insured, they shrug (as much as you can down a phone line). So, for me they were unprofessional, downright rude and hard work. I would have not ever wanted to make a claim as I dont think it would have been easy at all.

    NRMA are also hassle, for other reasons. I rang them telling them this year i could get a better quote than my renewal to offer them the chance to keep me as a customer by offering a discount. They started telling me that not all insurance is equal (kind of true) and that they were the best ever etc etc. Basically making out that i was comparing something like a premium locally made product with something bought on ebay from a dodgy vendor overseas. Er, no... I was talking about other onshore big name brands and had checked the PDS and all the figures, and some were much better... and I told them so, they stuck to the script and refused to lower the premium so in the end I gave up and went elsewhere and told them I would, got a lower premium, higher agreed value, lower excess etc etc. So, bear in mind that they will never discount on the phone on renewals, they told me that. Annoyingly, for the next 8 weeks or so I received a-letter-a-week-ish telling me that I was not insured and all I needed to do was pay the enclosed bill. Crazy waste of trees and postage, I already told them I was going elsewhere. And could have freaked some people out who werent paying attention. sigh...

    Ok, just my 2c and yes, over the years Ive had a lot of insurance on a lot of vehicles, im not in my 20s in case you hadnt guessed. I have to say that ive struggled with some companies over the years, here and OS, the coles and nrma things have only been the most recent. I always think you should go with whom you feel comfortable with, not just the best deal. Do your due diligence and prepare for the worst as thats what insurance is for.
    Last edited by JonW; 10-11-2015 at 01:16 PM.
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  8. #8
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    $917 with NRMA, including windscreen replacement
    34m w/ 27f, 2 claims in last 5 years, Garaged, (40% lifetime no claim bonus) many policies (parents car, my car, my bike, parents and my contents)
    Have seen slightly cheaper for my circumstances, but not worth the hassle or the loss in multi-policy discount

    As above - do your research. I've been in the industry in the past and it's great to get a bargain, but not if the claim is a hassle.
    • What's the excess payable in the event of a claim? Have they quoted you at one end of the spectrum (e.g. high premium, low excess | low premium, $1,000 excess) - does this suit you?
    • Do you have to pay an excess if you are not at fault until they can recover from a third party?
    • Are you covered for windscreen replacement? The part alone is ~$1200 as it comes with the auto-dimming rear vision mirror
    • Are you covered for an agreed value (important for finance) or market value (how to they calculate market?)
    • What do/don't they cover, what don't they cover (fire, theft, comp, malicious damage)
    • Are their restrictions on where you can park you car (garaged only) or on how much you can drive? (YouI discount on this
    • Do you get your choice or repairers (if you care)
    • Are you covered for transport to a repairer/assessor? (e.g. do you have to get the car to the assessor yourself)
    • If they use assessment centres, do you ever need to go, and is it easy to get to?
    • More to that, what if you have an accident away from home, are you covered for transport home, where does your car go, how do you get your car back after?
    • If relevant - are you covered for any driver, listed drivers, or just you? is there an incredibly high excess for under 25/30/40y/o drivers (at one point I was looking at $2600 for an unlisted under 25y/o)
    • Are their any repercussions if you get a speeding fine?
    • Have they included/omitted car hire or other transport options as part of their estimate
    • Is there any guarantee/warranty on repairs they authorise?
    • How are repairers vetted for their work (NRMA have a thorough authorisation process, others farm off to the lowest bidder)
    • How much is the third-party/liability cover (e.g. you accidentally run off the road and do damage to a building)

    It's about weighing up the inclusions and weighing up the risk. Some of the above may be important to you, others may not, but if it's important, and you're not covered, you don't want to be forking out money.
    Mk8 Golf GTI

  9. #9
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    Im 38 paying 600 something with Budget Direct with no drivers under 30 allowed.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonW View Post
    Brad a previous poster mentioned $420... thats not a lot for a new car. Depends on your age and risk etc, but I found NRMA good value when the car was new, not so now... im with Ami, see 2 paras below.
    $420 in Newcastle. Good luck getting that in Sydney.

    You realise that the underwriters behind Coles Insurance was sold to IAG in early 2014? IAG also underwrite NRMA.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
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