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Hi all - Quick backstory - I bought my 6R GTI about 3 years ago, it wsa built in 2012 but seemingly was a runout 2013 model, bit confusing but anyway its the CTH engine.
I bought it with only 14k Kms on the car - it basically was new and unused. For the first couple of years and up to about 30k kms I had checked every 1000kms and added 400mls ish each time. I did also get the VW garage to check and it was in tolerance.
Since 30k kms I have been checking and I have found little or no oil usage...which is surprising, same oil used, just as much usage (checking every 1000kms)...just not using oil...
My assumption is that though it was a lady commuter use prior to our usage and now is my wife's runabout, I have taken it out fairly regularly and given it a good run which i doubt happened previously. My assumption is that its now run in and lower oil usage is an indicator of that....interested in others perspectives?