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Thread: Polo 6R Warped Brakes-Covered By Warranty?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    Your Dad makes between $150k-$450k a year & money is an issue? I know a few pilots - sure they are all QF oldtimers & therefore overpaid but money isn't an issue even for the 737/A320 guys.

    Not your fault about your parents but as they say, as yea sow so yea shall reap.
    Look, this is a forum about cars, specifically VW's. I've done nothing wrong, please don't blame me about the financial stance of my parents. And no, my dad does not get paid 150k - 450k, he gets much less than that. He is paid in U.S dollars, and we live in Australia. Do you see the money we lose just by transferring his pay to AUS thanks to the exchange rate? Next time, think again before posting something about another's financial position.
    Last edited by alexaescht; 17-04-2012 at 04:46 PM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexaescht View Post
    Look, this is a forum about cars, specifically VW's. I've done nothing wrong, please don't blame me about the financial stance of my parents. And no, my dad does not get paid 150k - 450k, he gets much less than that. He is paid in U.S dollars, and we live in Australia. Do you see the money we lose just by transferring his pay to AUS?
    Not really, as he would only be loosing 3c in the dollar (at today's exchange rate). Regardless, I know you didn't do anything wrong, I am just curious as to why someone would commit to buying a basically brand new car then go way over the scheduled service point. I am just a lowly mechanic in the Army, but I know that maintaining an entry model hatchback is neither expensive or time consuming.

    I hope things get sorted quick, as I don't like your chances when it comes to trying to get something covered under warranty.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  3. #23
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    As I said:

    not your fault about your parents.
    Please, don't boohoo about the exchange rate. I'm sure they weren't complaining when you were in nappies & it was USD50c to 1AUD. The current rate is an anomaly when compared to the average rate since the dollar was floated and they would have done pretty well with the USD:AUD rate over the years. I know plenty of my expat mates have (and it was all tax free too). Is your Dad working in the Middle East?

    I'm not trying to bully you & I wouldn't expect you to know how much the family income is. I have a 15yo daughter & she wouldn't have the foggiest what the household income is or what the financial priorities are.

    my "as yea sow so shall yea reap" comment was that trying to save money by delaying servicing the car will cost a lot more in the long run.

    GL with it all but I'd guess talking to your Mum is like talking to a brick wall.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
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  4. #24
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    The brakes warranty is in the best case up to 20,000km for the new vehicles. After that it would be just unfair to demand the free fix, because the brakes are the consumable item.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexaescht View Post
    So our relatively new polo 6R with 34,000 k's on it warped its brake rotors at around 25,000 km.
    Seeing how your parents have driven around with 'warped' rotors for 9 000 km already, do they need to replace them now if it's not that much of a nuisance to them? In fact, do they actually want to replace them? Assuming the answer is no, then:

    Why do you care that the rotors are warped?
    It's not your car, you don't drive it and it's not your money.

    Incidentally, how long since has been since its last oil and filter change?
    I'd at least look at getting that much done.

  6. #26
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    Ok brad and blitzen. Thank you.
    Transporter, that seems fair enough.
    Diesel_vert, as I said, my mother wanted me to ask this question, I love my mum, and I felt that that's what I should do. I don't really care about the brakes and the service is booked for early next week.

    I think I have enough insight about the brakes now. Thank you all.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    Seeing how your parents have driven around with 'warped' rotors for 9 000 km already, do they need to replace them now if it's not that much of a nuisance to them? In fact, do they actually want to replace them? Assuming the answer is no, then:

    Why do you care that the rotors are warped?
    It's not your car, you don't drive it and it's not your money.

    Incidentally, how long since has been since its last oil and filter change?
    I'd at least look at getting that much done.
    Some people huh!
    Little bit off topic; A few months ago, I worked on the 2003 Holden Astra 1.8 when the engine stopped and the car got towed home. I look at the servicing sticker and it was saying next service at 30000km or 6/2005 and odometer was reading 98,000km. The car didn't have the oil change since 2004, when I questioned the lady that was home she told me that her husband told her that they wouldn't service the car and they deal with it when it breaks down (in short they would do only repairs).
    Her husband is the fireman.

    Nothing surprises me these days.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexaescht View Post
    as I said, my mother wanted me to ask this question,
    Fair enough.
    I suppose you've gotten all the answers you need.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Some people huh!
    Little bit off topic; A few months ago, I worked on the 2003 Holden Astra 1.8 when the engine stopped and the car got towed home. I look at the servicing sticker and it was saying next service at 30000km or 6/2005 and odometer was reading 98,000km. The car didn't have the oil change since 2004, when I questioned the lady that was home she told me that her husband told her that they wouldn't service the car and they deal with it when it breaks down (in short they would do only repairs).
    Her husband is the fireman.

    Nothing surprises me these days.
    Yes... We will never let it get that far, don't worry.

  10. #30
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    What the ....? What kind of a thread is this?

    People have different priorities and different time constraints. Let the poor boy be. I can well imagine when Dad gets home, getting the car serviced is not a huge priority.

    Yes, they may pay for it in the end, but it's their decision. Have none of you never neglected getting something done, and regretted it later?

    in the meantime, it shouldn't hurt to ask a question.

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