Sent from my GT-I9210T using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my GT-I9210T using Tapatalk 2
Polo 6R MY13 GTI Reflex Silver, Xenons, Detroits - Mods to come, little things here and there!
Alex Aescht
MY13 Dark Silver VW up! 5-door 55MPI manual — Comfort Style Pack, Comfort Drive Pack, Maps + More, Panoramic Sunroof
MY11 Pepper Grey VW Polo Comfortline 66TDI manual ― Comfort Pack, Audio Pack.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Be like water my friend.
Small Car, big horse
MY12.5 Candy White 5 door Polo GTI. Upgrades/Mods = RNS510 H LED, RVC camera, Auto Lights Dash Sound Actuator GTI button, Gavs Footrest(!)
WIP = Miltek Turboback Exhaust, Cold Air Intake, Red Stuff brake pads (Nov '13)
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