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Thread: Not sure if its from coilover or not, really annoyingly bad sound.

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bennjamin View Post
    I would start by jacking up your front , taking off wheels and having a good poke around the suspension area and retighten everything if loose. Such as swaybar endlink nut , lower knuckle bolt , tie rod ends and spring perch/es
    Also consider retightening your front subframe bolts....these have a habit of loosening up

    DIY or pay some one to it - you should get it checked out !
    Ill give it a crack mate, thanks for that!

    Quote Originally Posted by pontiff View Post
    I too had something similar when I had mine, in but it went away when I raised the height, so i put it down to it being the angle of the cv joint.
    Hey mate, what exactly do you mean when you say you put it down to it being the angle of the cv joint? Thanks

  2. #12
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    I just meant the angle of the cv in relation to the steering knuckle vs where it bolts to the transmission. Higher the car the straighter the driveshaft was. If I had the car too low you would get this rotational scrape/click noise but only from passenger side. Raise if a bit and if went away.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDM12T View Post
    Hi guys, installed coilovers overs about 15,000 kms ago and have been recently getting this loud noise when i do a full turn to the right when i get to a cul de sac. Only happens when i turn right and its starting to get really annoying and not sure if its from the coilovers or something just with the car. Its sorta like a clicking/metal/ting noise not too sure how else i can describe it. Its definitely not scrubbing and/or touching anything when fully locked to right. My sway bar is also disconnected, however im certain the problem isnt from that. Anyone else facing this problem? Or may know what it can be?

    Thanks heaps.
    Is it a single sound that only happens the once or is it repetitive and goes "click, click, click" while the wheels are rotating? Which side of the car does it sound like it's coming from? Why have you disconnected the swaybar? What brand of coilovers do you have? Are you also running aftermarket wheels or the original factory ones? Are there any other mods to the suspension and/driveline you have done?

    I have clicks and thuds coming from the front of my car as well, most of which are the DSG, others that are from the springs and strut mounts when cold, some from th erear end because of the swaybar, others because the bushes are already on their way out. We need more details before we can help you out mate

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pontiff View Post
    I just meant the angle of the cv in relation to the steering knuckle vs where it bolts to the transmission. Higher the car the straighter the driveshaft was. If I had the car too low you would get this rotational scrape/click noise but only from passenger side. Raise if a bit and if went away.
    Oh okay I understand now, yeah will definitely try it, im starting to think that it might be scrubbing... but its no where near as low for it to do so...

    Quote Originally Posted by gavs View Post
    Is it a single sound that only happens the once or is it repetitive and goes "click, click, click" while the wheels are rotating? Which side of the car does it sound like it's coming from? Why have you disconnected the swaybar? What brand of coilovers do you have? Are you also running aftermarket wheels or the original factory ones? Are there any other mods to the suspension and/driveline you have done?

    I have clicks and thuds coming from the front of my car as well, most of which are the DSG, others that are from the springs and strut mounts when cold, some from th erear end because of the swaybar, others because the bushes are already on their way out. We need more details before we can help you out mate
    Hi Gavs, yeah its repetitive, only happens when im doing a u turn turning to the right, definitely coming from the front right side. Sway bar was disconnected as i dont have the adjustable sway bar links. They are aftermarket wheels 15" 6.5JJ. No other mods have been done to the driveline and/or the suspension. Coilovers are AP coilovers.. Its really starting to get to me, its a 6 speed manual so no DSG problems.. taking it to service within next week tho, gonna see what they say. Hopefully it'll be warranty work.

  5. #15
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    Oh it's repetitive...well yeah it's your CV joints. Could be the angle they are on and the are clicking or they could be badly worn (I hear this all the time on old Magnas)

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    Oh it's repetitive...well yeah it's your CV joints. Could be the angle they are on and the are clicking or they could be badly worn (I hear this all the time on old Magnas)
    Oh really? Hmmm would there be any other way to fix the problem apart from raising the car? Pontiff was saying something about putting it in the same angle as the cv joints are, not too sure on how to do that though..

  7. #17
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    Hmm I would raise it just to see if the clicking stops. If it does you know it's height/suspention related, how low have you gone? (Fender to tyre?) I know stock is about 50mm for the fronts 75mm for the back. Also have you done a wheel alignment? It could be that the toe or camber is off by a lot, but then again I know there is limited adjustment in the front so it might not be that.

    You have to remember that the gearbox is left aligned so the cv joint on the left side is more bent than the right of anything I would think the sound would be coming from the left. Just my thoughts

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    Hmm I would raise it just to see if the clicking stops. If it does you know it's height/suspention related, how low have you gone? (Fender to tyre?) I know stock is about 50mm for the fronts 75mm for the back. Also have you done a wheel alignment? It could be that the toe or camber is off by a lot, but then again I know there is limited adjustment in the front so it might not be that.

    You have to remember that the gearbox is left aligned so the cv joint on the left side is more bent than the right of anything I would think the sound would be coming from the left. Just my thoughts
    Okay so there is quite a number of things that can be affecting it, still havent done the wheel alignment as im getting new wheels in just about a week or 2. Ill measure the height at what im on now and post back once i get home.

    I see.. well im 99% sure that its coming from the front right side, ive had a passanger sit and stick their head out to let me know if they can hear anything but it's really faint, whereas the right side its extremely clear, so you're saying that if there was any cv joint being bent, it would be the left rather than the right. Ill keep you posted on the current ride height once i get home. Thanks in advance mate.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDM12T View Post
    Okay so there is quite a number of things that can be affecting it, still havent done the wheel alignment as im getting new wheels in just about a week or 2. Ill measure the height at what im on now and post back once i get home.

    I see.. well im 99% sure that its coming from the front right side, ive had a passanger sit and stick their head out to let me know if they can hear anything but it's really faint, whereas the right side its extremely clear, so you're saying that if there was any cv joint being bent, it would be the left rather than the right. Ill keep you posted on the current ride height once i get home. Thanks in advance mate.
    If you are turning right the right CV joint would have the most acute angle on it as the inside wheel has to turn tighter that the outside.

    Probably driving like you own it instead of like you stole it would lead to less stress on the components as well.
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