Our TDI is dead...
Yesterday my sister was driving the polo and the glow-plug light came on (ecu fault, I think). Car went into limp mode (didn't rev at all), she turned the engine off and back on again, and all was well. Called Berwick Volkswagen that afternoon and they said "If the car is running normally and that light doesn't come on again, it's fine." So we didn't worry about it, until about 30 minutes ago when I get a call from my sister saying "My car's stuffed... It did it again". Called Berwick VW again, they (supposedly) woke up their service manager who was at home and said "If it starts and runs normally, drive it home and try not to drive it as much as possible but if it starts feeling different then call roadside assist." So, mum's gone to pick my sister up in the Megane (which by the way, is working perfectly) and we're gonna ask Berwick VW if we can leave the polo at their dealership.
*sigh* Volkswagen ownership, aye?